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How to Fit Fitness Into Your Busy Schedule
Chris McCombs
Chris McCombs is known as the Personal Trainer Orange County. Chris owns his own fitness business Positively Fit Inc. which helps people all over Orange County lose fat and get the body they want. You can learn more about Chris at http://www.kickbacklife.com/ 
By Chris McCombs
Published on 07/2/2008
If you think that you just don’t have time to fit in a workout, think again Give your thoughts on fitness a new look, and you can make the time, amid your busy schedule

If you think that you just don’t have time to fit in a workout, think again. Give your thoughts on fitness a new look, and you can make the time, amid your busy schedule. Rethink exercise as something that you can fit into your existing schedule rather than something you have to do at a certain time and place. For busy people, there are a few strategies you can take up that will get you on the way.

- Wear a pedometer. This little electronic device keeps track of your every move, and will really motivate you to take the stairs or avoid the short-cut. When you can actually see how many steps you take in a day, you may find that you are more motivated to go the extra mile…literally. Seeing the progress in black and white, knowing that you are getting exercise into your day, with out even trying sometimes, can really be mood-lifting and will push you to take even more steps the following day!

- Find a work out partner. Find a friend or colleague that shares your same fitness and health goals, and make a pact. Walk to lunch from the office together. Make a date 3 times a week to go walking or biking or jogging. Instead of sitting and gossiping during your 15 minute break, take a few laps around the parking lot. Make them keep you accountable, and vice versa.

- Take the long way. Instead of emailing your co-worker in the cubicle down the hall, talk over there to have your conversation. Or instead of taking the escalator or elevator at the mall, take the stairs. And instead of cruising the parking lot looking for the closest space, park as far away as you can. Be thankful that you have legs that work, and you aren’t confined to a wheelchair!

- Suggest “walking meetings”. You are able to walk and talk at the same time, right? See if you and your boss can go over the new clients ideas while walking the parking lot. Or catch up with old friends over a walk around the park, instead of over dinner and drinks. Enjoying the scenery will give you a lift, and even inspire a few new ideas.

- Play with your kids. Children have seemingly endless energy, so let it rub off on you! Take your kids, or your niece and nephew, or your friend’s kids, to the park and run around with them. Go to the beach and play in the surf, just trying to stand up and not get knocked over by the waves takes energy, and burns calories. You have to spend time with your family and friends anyway, so make it an active date.

- Schedule your workouts wisely. If you know you have to get to work by 8, don’t schedule the 7am workout. You know you will not be able to get a full workout in and get to the office in an hours time, so get up earlier and take the 6am slot. Or schedule your workouts after work so that you can stay as long as you like. Don’t sell yourself short on workouts, because you are only cheating yourself. Use your time wisely.