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How To Gain A Lot Of Muscle Fast
Dane Fletcher
Dane Fletcher is the most innovative and prominent Steroid guru in the world. To read more of his work on Steroids visit http://www.SteroidsToday.com. 
By Dane Fletcher
Published on 11/2/2008
Patience is not a virtue most of us are blessed with, and in bodybuilding, everybody's goal is to pack on as much muscle, as fast as possible.

The million dollar question that many people ask has to do with trying to find out what the fastest way to gain muscle is. The right answer to this question should reflect the best way to increase the muscle mass and not the easiest way to do so. First of all, the right training techniques need to be employed if success is to be achieved on this front.

The right training techniques will ensure that the largest muscles in the body are trained effectively and this will most certainly lead to a general growth of all the other muscle groups. The best way to train these muscles is by adopting the compound exercise routines such as the squats, the leg presses and the dead lifts.

This is just how the body works. There is no need therefore to concentrate efforts on the minor muscles like the triceps and the biceps. Work hard on the more difficult exercises and concentrate on the big muscle groups like the quads, chest and back muscles. The smaller muscles will grow as a result of being incorporated in the said workouts.

The mechanism of the body muscles is that they do not work in isolation. An effort that is put on the large muscle groups will be felt even in the smaller muscles. If the larger muscle groups are worked upon and a demand for increased food intake is realized, the effects of the increased intake will be felt throughout the body. Training the large muscle groups helps you to create an anabolic environment that is most suitable for muscle development. As mentioned, the muscles work in unison and not in isolation. The anabolic effects will thus be felt on all the muscle groups.

Attaching importance to the need for enough water and protein

Secondly, fast gains in the muscle mass are achieved through the proper intake of both water and proteins. Make a point of ensuring that you also take enough carbohydrates because they will fuel your bodybuilding effort and help in the conservation of glycogen that is critical in muscle development. Water is one commodity that you can hardly train without. The saying that water is life really strikes home when you think about it in this context.

The body is composed of 70% water. The muscles are made up of the same amount of water with the rest of the composition being largely protein. These facts underlie the importance of water in your diet. Water is necessary for the body because it helps in the flushing out of waste products produced during exercise. Water facilitates the transportation of these substances out of the body and thus plays a major role in taking off pressure from the renal system.

Water is the main mode of transporting nutrients to the locations where they are required in the body. All the helpful amino acids and other nutrients are transported in this way. Last but not least, water helps keep the muscles looking full and vascular.