This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Rawkathon, which can be found at In this excerpt, Happy Oasis shares on her secrets for looking amazing.

Rawkathon with Happy Oasis. Happy Oasis is a raw food inspiration, an author and the "Chief Visionary Officer" of the Raw Spirit Festival.

Kevin: So you gave us an indication of your age, if someone can do the math. You look amazing and there are...I'm sure there's percentage of women who are watching this right now who kind of want to know what you do to keep yourself looking as good as you do.

Happy: Well, my secret as of late, in the last few years is lack of sleep. So If you only get three or so hours of sleep...I'm just joking. But that is the truth. So I have aged a little bit in the last couple of years, because I've been very much in full service. And I would say that my secret is that every morning when I wake up, I, when I get out of bed, I step into love. I just feel that the whole universe is this love bubble and I have this universal love feeling of this oneness. It sounds like a cliché but I really feel it. And I feel that if you reach abundance, I do. If you have better health, so do I. I just feel this interconnected that we are one organism, and I think that feeling is what creates more joy and
youth for me than anything else.

However of course there's a lot of things that I do and don't do. For example I love to wake up early in the morning. And I love to sleep outside, al fresco. I built this cliff dwelling behind my home and climb up through these big boulders and up a ladder and then I built a deck with these glass walls and a Plexiglas roof and a cave in the back, and I put some shelves in there for a few items, I just jammed them into the cracks. And it's really cozy. So I get to sleep under the stars every night and I put a bird feeder over my bed so the birds come in the morning and they feed up above the bed. And they're kind of sloppy, some of them, so they messily drop seeds down onto the bedspread, and then other birds come and eat right on top of my legs.

Kevin: Oh really?

Happy: Yeah, so it's this affinity with nature I would say. And then there's branches that come right in my room. There's trees that go right through the floor. And then I have to water my walls, because the walls in the cliff dwelling have cracks and they're full of wildflowers. So that's the only drawback, so I have to mop the roof of the glass ceiling and water the walls. And then I have to shake off the bed because the foliage from the walls would get onto the bed. But it's a magical, magical lifestyle. And anybody can really do this if you make the decision to do so.

And then I would say also water is very essential. So I love to have a clean body, and I'm not like paranoid about it but I just feel good and the cells slough off apparently. So I like to bathe at least two or three times a day. But I do it in an unusual way. I either like to go in a hot tub, or I love to dive into a river or a stream or a lake or the ocean. So for example, last night I was in the river, and the hot tub, and this morning before dawn I got up sat in the hot tub and went swimming in the ocean. And that's what I do to take my baths, so I don't use any skin lotions or any shampoo or conditioner or anything like that. Once in a while if I'm really dried out I'll use flaxseed oil. Most people don't know, but much better than olive oil or safflower oil, sunflower oil or jojoba. If you just try if for yourself I recommend you'll find out that flaxseed oil is the smoothest and most moisture producing oil of all, but the aroma is a little bit unusual, it's a little bit nutty. So I sometimes add a little bit of cinnamon or peppermint. But I use it so rarely that...

And then I love to drink a lot of water. So water is really essential for vitality. In the Himalayas, I was a guide for many years, and in the mornings what we would do, the Garhwali people and I, we would tell our clients, who were primarily from Europe, Australia and the Americas, that it's important to drink at least half a gallo
n of warm water or cold water when we wake up because for the rest of the day we weren't sure if we would reach the glaciers or the next river until late in the afternoon. So as a result we would become so hydrated. So I really encourage everybody to just do an experiment, and try to drink half a gallon of water within half an hour of awakening. And then you'll feel really kind of slightly bloated at first, but then start doing your yoga or exercise go for a walk, and you'll notice your hands will be flushed and they'll be like plump. And
then you'll feel this vitality that only electrolytes in water can make you feel. So that's another.

And then I love to do yoga, and I try to do yoga every day, sometimes it doesn't quite work out. But yoga, meditation. Also very vital is singing and I love to sing a lot. Also dancing and poetry, taking a little time to think and read inspirational literature, including my favorite books.

Kevin: Yeah, I want to talk about that.

Happy: This is funny, but he said to me, "What are your most inspiring, inspirational books?" And I said, "I hope you don't take it the wrong way but I really love my own books." And whenever I feel sad or I need uplift-ment or I'm confused about something, I need some insight, I'll read "Bliss Conscious Communication," which is transmuting ordinary chats into extraordinary conversations, and the fun about this book is that it's an interactive playbook, it's the world's first playbook. And there's nothing like it. It's in a lot of high schools now, it's at a lot of colleges and for children of all ages. I have specifically made it very user-friendly so it's an interactive book, you fill in the blanks so you
can have fun with your family, your spouse. It's guaranteed to uplift conversations and to make you laugh. And that is a very important part of my lifestyle. If I'm not having fun, then I'm not interested in doing it.

Kevin: You're an amazing storyteller. Do you time to tell us a story?

Happy: Another parable might be, there's hundreds, this is something for these times in America, because economic times have been changing. There once was a band of monks who were traveling in the Himalayas, what is today probably Pakistan or Afghanistan. There was a conflict of religions back then and as this monk, this Sufi band, headed down into a hamlet at night, they saw a couple of flickering candle lights and decided that perhaps they could find cover there for the evening because they had no blankets, they had no food and they had no water. Winter was approaching and they were in the desert, the mountainous desert. When they arrived in the hamlet they knocked on the door of this first person and said, "Would you be so kind to grant us some food and some place to stay." Well the first person was full of fear and he said, "Absolutely not. Go away!" And slammed the door.

So they proceeded to the next house, and there were only a few houses in the whole hamlet, and at the next house that person had heard the person before so reacted in the same manner and slammed the door before he could almost even open it and warned them that if they didn't leave they would be stoned, as was the ancient tradition.

The next house, when they approached, they started to stone these men. So they quickly fled. They didn't know where to go. They were lost. So they decided to go back up in the mountains where they had come from. This is before the days of maps. So they were up on this hill, the wind was blowing and the leader of the group started to pray. He got down on his knees and he said, "Dear Allah, thank you so much God, Allah, for giving us everything we need." One of the young monks said, "Wait a minute, this is too much. I've been with you for months. This has been the hardest experience of my life. It's hardship after hardship and now we have no place to stay, we have nothing to eat, we're going to freeze to death and you're thanking Allah for everything he's given us? I don't think so. I quit." Loose translation. And the leader said, "Dear Allah, thank you
for giving us everything we need. Tonight we need to experience rejection. Tonight we need to experience the bitter cold. Tonight we need to experience hunger. Thank you for giving us everything we need."

Kevin: Thank you..

Happy: So our lives are pretty easy.

Kevin: Thank you so much for sharing. I absolutely appreciate your time. This has been wonderful.