One of the most recent fatty acids supplements to make the news is alpha lipoic acid (ALA). This supplement has been used in Europe. It is also now being tested for its therapeutic value in its ability to work as a free radical scavenger. Alpha lipoic acid may be able to improve some degenerative diseases and restore health.

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant synthesized within the body in very small amounts. This substance is responsible for contributing to the energy reaction in mitochondrial electron transport. It is related to the metabolism of glucose into energy and is both fat and water soluble. This allows for it to help protect lipid and aqueous cell structures. Like other nutrients, the levels of alpha lipoic acid decline with the body as we age. Because of this, a supplement may be necessary so that optimum levels of antioxidant protection are ensured.

Alpha lipoic acid is believed to be the most effective antioxidant available by Dr. Lester Packer, a professor at the University of California at Berkley. In its dihydrolipoic form, the antioxidant is able to neutralize peroxyl and peoxynitrite free radicals. It is this ability that makes alpha lipoic acid a universal antioxidant that has many incredible benefits for protecting the body.

This antioxidant has been used by European physicians for a number of years to treat complications that are related to diabetes. It has been shown that alpha lipoic acid has been able to help boost glucose uptake in some diabetic individuals without less insulin dependency. Additional research has determined that alpha lipoic acid has the ability to help prevent protein modifications that occur when blood sugar levels are elevated.

Research has determined that alpha lipoic acid can protect brain tissue on a cell
ular level. This study, which supplemented mice with alpha lipoic acid, showed improvement of long-term memory. This may help to prevent a number of age-related disorders that occur in the brain. It also seems that the antioxidant provides protection from harmful chemicals that can damage brain cells.

Promising results have been shown with the supplementation of alpha lipoic acid by those who are dealing with heart disease. In studies, blood cholesterol levels were reduced by forty percent in those individuals who were supplementing. This reduction allowed for an increased amount of oxygen to be supplied to both the heart and the liver tissue. This antioxidant also has the ability to increase the survival rate and damage done from strokes. One study done on rats that were administered alpha lipoic acid before restricted blood flow. Those rats that were given this antioxidant had an eighty percent survival rate, while those ones who did not have the supplementation only had a twenty percent survival rate.

Alpha lipoic acid is easily absorbed in the body, which makes it extremely valuable as an antioxidant. The supplement seems to contain some of the most potent antioxidant properties available. Continuing research is needed to fully understand the effects and possibilities of this wonderful supplement. In order to obtain the best results when using this, or any supplement, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen.

For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by alpha lipoic acid, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.

Free radicals age the body, slow the aging process with Alpha lipoic acid found at VitaNet ®, LLC Vitamin Store.

Free radicals age the body, slow the aging process with Alpha lipoic acid found at VitaNet ®, LLC Vitamin Store.