So you are a male and you just cannot stand being the pun of belly fat jokes! Now you have decided to put an end to this and you want to know how to lose male stomach fat, fast! Where do you start? What will you do? This article will give you a few essential tips to jumpstart your belly fat elimination journey!

Most people lose weight because they rely too much on false promises by most weight loss pills and fad diet plans. In this article, you will notice that the focus is not so much with overall weight loss but on how to lose excess body fat. Stomach fat is usually the last one to be shed as it is the most difficult to eliminate. However, with the right strategies and attitude, you can do it!

If you want to know how to lose male stomach fat, you’ve got to follow this all important tip: concentrate on having a low-carbohydrate diet; this is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of excess fat deposits in your body. Why would this work? The basic process of fat burning involves the following:

1. Carbohydrate which comes from your food intake and your body’s stored glycogen reserve.

2. Fat, this also comes from the food you eat and stored body fat.

3. Protein, also from the food you eat and the muscle tissue.

Minimizing your carbohydrate intake will make your body become a fat-burner. The primary source of energy that supplies the body is carbohydrate, so in order to become a fat-burner, you cut down on carbohydrates. As you decrease your carbohydrate-intake, your body will undergo a metabolic switch and turn into a fat-burning machine. Your body has fat deposits, so when your body’s daily supply of carbohydrate is minimized, your body resorts to consuming stored fats so your body replenishes its
energy. Ideally, your daily carbohydrate consumption should be confined to under 100grms, most gym trainers recommend to maintain about 60grms to get positive results.

When losing weight, a low-carbohydrate diet is considered to be more effective than low-fat diet. Why? Fat equates to your calorie-intake so when your calorie levels are down, your body will then burn fat and muscle tissue. As a result, your muscle becomes very active in your body’s metabolism; this muscle activity will eventually lead to slower metabolism. A decrease in your body’s metabolism will result to slower burning of fat.

Low-fat diets are also deemed to have temporary effects – yes, a dieter loses weight but as soon as your body’s metabolism crashes, all the excess weight you have lost will come creeping back in, and you get more plump than before.

Aside from following the right diet plan, exercise will complete the equation. You need to concentrate on complementing your low-carbohydrate diet with a good fat-burning workout regimen. Most people think that cardio exercises will do the trick; however, experts would agree that too much cardio exercises will result to the breaking down of lean muscle tissues.

The best exercise regimen is interval training. It is not advisable to do the same cardio exercises over and over. It is important to perform combinations of workout routines, like starting off with low intensity then follow it up with higher intensity routines.

So how to lose male stomach fat effectively? Make your body burn fat and be consistent with an exercise regimen that will utilize the most fat!

Are you looking for more information regarding how to lose male stomach fat? Visit today!

Are you looking for more information regarding how to lose male stomach fat? Visit today!