Interested in losing 3-5 pounds per week effortlessly? This is not a list of hoaxes but of good ways to lose weight fast. These are simple steps that you can do at home with minimal budget, and they are all tried and proven by experts. You don't even have to undergo painful workouts, dangerous surgeries and painful crash diets.

Soluble Fiber Boost

Soluble dietary fiber is essential if you want to rapidly achieve a flat tummy. Add legumes, soy, nuts and other seeds to your recipes. Of course, do not forget broccoli, cabbage and other green vegetables. Besides increasing the level of good cholesterol in the body, they provide a large amount of dietary fibers.

They cause an appetite-suppressing effect, which is often imitated by diet pills. Dietary fiber mixes with food in the stomach, making them thick and dense. The thick mixture stays longer in the stomach. The stomach then sends signals to the brain to suppress appetite and craving.

Soluble fibers also prevent the absorption of fatty substances in the small intestines. Furthermore, they act as brushes that clean the digestive tract.

Fats and Oils that are Essential for Weight Loss

Contrary to popular belief, fats and calories are not harmful. In fact, you need to maintain a specific level of fats for effective weight loss. You should take at least 1200 calories per day to lose weight and, at the same time, prevent your metabolism from consuming your muscle tissues. Eating more of healthy fats and oils and avoiding trans fats are good ways to lose weight fast.

It all boils down to food preparation. The ideal ways to cook food are steaming, broiling and grilling
. Avoid shortenings, high-fat butter and margarine. Instead, switch to canola, olive and flaxseed oils. They are rich in omega-3 and zero trans fats. Omega-3 is healthy cholesterol that keeps the heart strong. Proper blood circulation prevents the build-up of fats by effectively distributing energy to the body.

Healthy Carbs from Whole Grains

You should also have a healthy source of carbs for calories. These include rice, bread, cereals and root crops. They are the heaviest foods in the meal that provide you with energy. In fact, you should eat them first for every meal. Studies show that eating these foods first in a meal can relieve craving.

The best sources of carbs are whole grains. Look for the label "whole grains" when purchasing breakfast cereals, bread and oatmeal. Generally, these varieties have lower fats and give more energy. They also clean the digestive tract.

Simple Equipment-Free Exercises

Proper diet yields the best results when combined with endurance exercises. Endurance exercises are also called cardiovascular workouts because they train the heart and lungs. Worry not because you do not need to go to a gym or purchase expensive equipment. Walking, jogging and running are good ways to lose weight fast.

Simply walk and jog at regular intervals for 20-40 minutes per session. You can start with 3-4 sessions per week. This will stimulate your heart and metabolism to function optimally even when you're resting. You can lose extra 1-2 pounds per week with these light trainings.

Are you looking for more information regarding good ways to lose weight fast? Visit today!

Are you looking for more information regarding good ways to lose weight fast? Visit today!