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- Hemorrhoid Treatment-How to Prepare For Your Appointment With Your Doctor
Hemorrhoid Treatment-How to Prepare For Your Appointment With Your Doctor
- By Bello Gbenga
- Published 11/8/2024
- Wellness, Fitness and Diet
- Unrated
If you are experiencing symptoms of severe and chronic hemorrhoids, you will need to fix an appointment with your doctor for proper evaluation and treatment.
When you get to the hospital you would most likely be attended to by either a gastroenterologist physician or a colo - rectal surgeon.
To get the best of the expertise of these medical specialists you must be prepared and armed with as much relevant information as possible:
1 - First of all, you must note the following points:
I - Note and write down all the symptoms you are experiencing. Note and write down the duration of these symptoms.
II - Take note and write down your typical bowel habits. Also, write down the components of your usual diet.
III - List all the medications, vitamins and supplements that you have used. Also, list the medications that you are still using presently.
2 - You must know and note the questions you should ask your doctor. These questions include the following:
I - You should ask for the likely cause of your symptoms
II - You should ask your doctor if your condition is likely to be permanent
III - You should ask for the likely risks and complications
IV - You should seek the doctor's opinion on the best form of treatment for your symptoms.
V - You should ask for your alternative treatment options should the first line of treatment fail to resolve your symptoms.
VI - You should ask your doctor if you will need surgery.
VII - You should seek to know if there are other measures apart from medications that you must apply to cure your symptoms.
VIII - If you are also suffering from some other chronic medical problems, you should ask your doctor how you are going to treat your hemorrhoid symptoms without interfering with the treatment of your other chronic
3 - As you prepare for your appointment you should also have a good idea of the kind of questions that your doctor will likely ask you. Having an idea of the kind of questions that you will be asked helps you to be better prepared to answer such questions appropriately.
The likely questions that your doctor will ask you include the following:
A - When did your symptoms start? For how long have you been experiencing your symptoms?
B - How intense are your symptoms? Are they mild, moderate or severe?
C - How many times do you go toilet in a week?
D - How often do you eat fiber rich foods?
E - Have you noticed anything that you eat or do that makes your symptoms worse?
F - Have you noticed anything that you eat or do that reduces your symptoms?
H - Has any of your close relatives or family members been afflicted with colo - rectal cancer?
I - Have you noticed any change in your bowel habits? Have you noticed any increase or decrease in the number of times that you go to the toilet?
J - Have you noticed any blood in your feces or on the wipe that you used to clean your bum after moving your bowels?
K - Have you noticed blood dripping into the toilet bowl after you pass out feces?
If you arm yourself with the necessary information before you go for your appointment you stand a very good chance of receiving better treatment and medical attention.
However, you might not need to go through all this bother if you treat your pile symptoms at home with good natural home cures since most hemorrhoids will respond very well to simple home based natural cures.
So, if you want to get rid of your pile symptoms without going through the hassles of hospital appointments, you are invited to visit www.hemroidsolution.blogspot.com to learn how to use simple home based natural cures to get rid of your symptoms. Finally, click here to read a free report on natural hemorrhoid relief.
When you get to the hospital you would most likely be attended to by either a gastroenterologist physician or a colo - rectal surgeon.
To get the best of the expertise of these medical specialists you must be prepared and armed with as much relevant information as possible:
1 - First of all, you must note the following points:
I - Note and write down all the symptoms you are experiencing. Note and write down the duration of these symptoms.
II - Take note and write down your typical bowel habits. Also, write down the components of your usual diet.
III - List all the medications, vitamins and supplements that you have used. Also, list the medications that you are still using presently.
2 - You must know and note the questions you should ask your doctor. These questions include the following:
I - You should ask for the likely cause of your symptoms
II - You should ask your doctor if your condition is likely to be permanent
III - You should ask for the likely risks and complications
IV - You should seek the doctor's opinion on the best form of treatment for your symptoms.
V - You should ask for your alternative treatment options should the first line of treatment fail to resolve your symptoms.
VI - You should ask your doctor if you will need surgery.
VII - You should seek to know if there are other measures apart from medications that you must apply to cure your symptoms.
VIII - If you are also suffering from some other chronic medical problems, you should ask your doctor how you are going to treat your hemorrhoid symptoms without interfering with the treatment of your other chronic
3 - As you prepare for your appointment you should also have a good idea of the kind of questions that your doctor will likely ask you. Having an idea of the kind of questions that you will be asked helps you to be better prepared to answer such questions appropriately.
The likely questions that your doctor will ask you include the following:
A - When did your symptoms start? For how long have you been experiencing your symptoms?
B - How intense are your symptoms? Are they mild, moderate or severe?
C - How many times do you go toilet in a week?
D - How often do you eat fiber rich foods?
E - Have you noticed anything that you eat or do that makes your symptoms worse?
F - Have you noticed anything that you eat or do that reduces your symptoms?
H - Has any of your close relatives or family members been afflicted with colo - rectal cancer?
I - Have you noticed any change in your bowel habits? Have you noticed any increase or decrease in the number of times that you go to the toilet?
J - Have you noticed any blood in your feces or on the wipe that you used to clean your bum after moving your bowels?
K - Have you noticed blood dripping into the toilet bowl after you pass out feces?
If you arm yourself with the necessary information before you go for your appointment you stand a very good chance of receiving better treatment and medical attention.
However, you might not need to go through all this bother if you treat your pile symptoms at home with good natural home cures since most hemorrhoids will respond very well to simple home based natural cures.
So, if you want to get rid of your pile symptoms without going through the hassles of hospital appointments, you are invited to visit www.hemroidsolution.blogspot.com to learn how to use simple home based natural cures to get rid of your symptoms. Finally, click here to read a free report on natural hemorrhoid relief.
Bello Gbenga

So, if you want to get rid of your pile symptoms without going through the hassles of hospital appointments, you are invited to visit www.hemroidsolution.blogspot.com to learn how to use simple home based natural cures to get rid of your symptoms. Finally, click here to read a free report on natural hemorrhoid relief.
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