Who wants to have a bulging belly anyway? We all know too well that aside from disfiguring your body, this will affect you socially and might even pose a serious threat to your health. One of the most popular and usually the most challenging is dieting. For those who think that eating will only make your tummy larger, you must know that there is something that you can do to your diet that will also help you lose your belly fat.

Dunk the Junk

If you are serious about losing your belly fat you need to have the self-control to avoid junk foods. Although it may give that momentary satiety it is only loaded with empty calories that will only build up your belly size.

Abstain from Alcohol

Alcohol is good in moderate amounts. But when you lose track of your portions and drink more than what is considered healthy, you slowly increase the size of your belly. This is the reason why the term beer belly came to be. Alcohol is teeming with calories that can be very hard to burn and particularly rests on your belly. So to keep your chances of eliminating the stubborn belly bulge, it is best to abstain from alcohol entirely.

Fill Your Day with Meals

An interesting way to minimize or eliminate belly fats is to fill your day with 4 to 6 small meals. It should also be noted that these are made out of healthy food choices and also remember that they should be in small portions. The reason for this is that small meals will keep your metabolism on the same pace throughout the day. You are not at risk for binging because the spaces between your meals are filled with snacks.

Drink Water Prior to Every Meal

This is one secret that will certainly help you control the amount of food that you eat. When you drink water before every meal you give your stomach that feeling of fullness making you eat less. Water will a
lso help you to effectively eliminate toxins and fat from your body. In addition to that hydrating yourself will also nourish your cells with the energy that they need to work better during exercise.

Green Tea Miracles

Drinking green tea regularly particularly after meals will help you speed up your metabolism also mainly because of its generous amounts of antioxidants. It is known that a total of 266 calories can be burned everyday when you drink green tea regularly.

Protein Rich Diet

A diet that is high in protein can help you lose belly fat because it increases your lean muscle mass. You must also know that the best sources of this kind of protein are dairy products.

Citrus for the Sexiness

Do you know that the vitamin C that you get out of citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and limes can help you process and eliminate fats faster.

Nuts, nuts, nuts

Have yourself a daily bowl of nuts because it gives your stomach that sensation of fullness. Did you know that those who eat nuts feel full longer compared to those who eat rice cakes, this was according to study done by Purdue University.

By simply making the right food choices in their healthy servings, you can lose belly fat with diet. It simply boils down to how you control what you eat and the quality of food that you are taking.

If diet or even exercise is not doing any good to lose belly fats, you can also choose the surgical approach such as effective liposuction to remove that unflattering rotund belly. Esteem Cosmetic Studio has the right team and excellent equipments to give you the results that you want. We operate in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra.

For a personal consult concerning liposuction (http://www.esteemstudio.com.au/t10liposuction.php) you can visit Esteem Cosmetic Studio clinics located in Brisbane, Queensland and Gold Coast, Australia. Or you could check out our website by clicking the link above for more information.