Finding natural allergy relief, without putting yourself at risk from chemicals and unnatural remedies is attainable. Not many of those who suffer from allergies are happy about the level of effectiveness concerning those anti-allergy, over the counter remedies that are sold in chemists and online stores.

Pharmaceutical giants profit hugely every day from non natural remedies for allergies products such as Claritin and Zyrtec, which offer very little allergy or 'asthma relief' for the short-term, and even less for long-term. Prescription drugs from doctors are no better, but most doctors are happy to keep pushing/prescribing them to patients because there is nothing better available.

Every few years or so, researchers promise a new, wonderful, 'breakthrough' allergy drug/cure that will relieve over 98 percent of problematic allergies symptoms. These promises have been regularly announced for at least 3 decades, and they are still no nearer to finding effective allergy relief for the masses than they were 30 years ago. Billions of £/$ have flooded into this research in Switzerland and the US, while allergy sufferers are getting impatient and suspicious at the same time.

In fact so much money is generated from these remedies, concoctions that if an allergy cure was found tomorrow, some very big and well-known companies would go out of business, or have to accept much lower profits. Allergy researchers would not receive millions more in funding, and be themselves searching for something - a job.

Most sufferers rely to much on those chemical allergy relief products that promise so much and leave you no better off. Furthermore, people tend to overlook their own personal and living circumstances, where there are several effective ways to reduce those annoying symptoms that are both cheap, and will benefit you and your family's health in the long run. I'm a firm believer in 'allergy relief starts at home'. We spend most of our time at home, so this is the first place where we should concentrate to improve our surroundings.

Overlooked areas in your home could be damaging your health everyday, and if not corrected soon could cause serious ill-health. Give your home a health check. Improving indoor air quality, reducing dust mite numbers in your home, checking your entire home from top to bottom for signs of damp and mould, checking your building structure to ensure proper ventilation is adequate, effective carpet cleaning, cleaning your bedroom, bedding and furnishings in such a way that allergy symptoms will improve over time with natural, eco-friendly cleaning methods that will benefit your health.

You will not need to buy any dodgy chemical based cleaning solutions from your supermarket either, as we all know that this would put your health at risk. Most of these chemical based cleaning products are so dangerous that a high percentage of chemical substances are either 'unknown', omitted from the product labelling, or the manufacturer hides behind some law that states he does not have to disclose every chemical present in their cleaning products. I think that's enough info to deter you from purchasing cleaning products that offer little natural allergy relief. You don't need them as there are hundreds of ways to clean your home with natural substances which are efficient and are much safer to use.

You must keep your home in tip-top condition or you run the risk of ill-health. The, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology have advised on several occasions that indoor air quality in built-up areas all over the world is one of the biggest health concerns to our modern way of life. Children are most at risk from living in this type of 'sick building', or unhealthy sub-standard home with unhealthy or stale air. Industry is emitting a huge amount of pollutants that find their way into our indoor atmosphere.

The population is rising and we do need more housing fast, but the homes we are building today are recklessly designed, constructed with 3rd class materials with cheap, or wrong insulation - similar to living in a claustrophobic plastic tub without proper ventilation. Central heating and carpets don't help this situation, but this type of building encourages and escalates allergies.

Poor indoor air quality, industrial pollution and low standard housing equates to the fact that we are partly to blame for the allergy problems we have today, especially when you consider there are a huge number of people who are allergic to their own home.

Luckily, we can utilise several methods of cleaning our home to minimise allergy problems without the chemicals that trigger allergy symptoms. The biggest menace in our home has to be those charming lodgers that we all have, called dust mites. If you are an allergy sufferer and have carpets in your home, then you may have to think about getting rid of them all, and just use a few rugs instead. This does sound like a drastic course of action, but dust mites love burying themselves into the carpet fibre pile and cause misery for those unlucky enough to suffer from allergies.

Dust mites are tiny and multiply so much that if left to their own devices, you may have a problem sooner than you think. Cleaning regularly with a good HEPA vacuum will get a high number of dust mites out, but you will have to back this cleaning method up by going over your carpeting with dry hot steam from time to time, and then let dry naturally for 3 hours or more. As I mentioned earlier, if this fails to work then you may have to consider losing the carpets.

Check your entire home for signs of mould or dampness. Even if it means moving your furniture, going up to your loft/roof area, checking around your window frames and underneath sinks and baths to look for any signs of moisture, no matter how small or trivial it may seem.

Now moving on to the most important place - the bedroom. Carpets, curtains, kids soft toys, mattresses and bedding, including pillows must be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis with a vacuum and a steam cleaner. Move your bed out of that room so you can clean this area properly. Vacuuming and steaming without any dubious cleaning solution will improve your indoor air quality and your health. Natural allergy relief methods enable you to enjoy breathing pure, fresh, clean, unpolluted air in a hygienic home.

Give yourself a chance of reducing those allergy symptoms by cleaning your home of dust mites, allergens, and improving your indoor air quality. The Natural Allergy Relief Guide has tons of info that will directly improve the health of your home - and your family.

Give yourself a chance of reducing those allergy symptoms by cleaning your home of dust mites, allergens, and improving your indoor air quality. The Natural Allergy Relief Guide has tons of info that will directly improve the health of your home - and your family.