Chemotherapy, also known as "chemical treatment" is a form of treatment used to directly kill cancer cells. A lot of times we refer to it as simply "chemo," but it could also be called "antineoplastics" or "anti-cancer" drugs.

The term "cancer" is used to describe a lot of different diseases, for this reason, treatment using chemotherapy could also differ depending on the case. The following could be some of the purposes for chemotherapy:

1. To cure and target a specific cancer;

2. To relieve of symptoms like pain;

3. To reduce the size of a tumor before going through surgery or radiation therapy;

4. To control the growth of a tumor when it is not possible to cure it;

5. To kill minute cancer cells that may be left in the body after a tumor or tumors are removed by surgery.

For anyone who is thinking of such treatment, it is important that you know even a little knowledge about chemotherapy and proper nutrition before, during and after treatment.

The use of chemotherapy has both positive and negative effects on a person's body. Although chemotherapy treatment is designed to destroy cancer cells in a body, it could also damage the surrounding and other healthy cells in a body, unfortunately. That is why it is important to be educated about chemotherapy and proper nutrition before, during and after treatment.

These are some of the side effects of chemotherapy on a patient's body:

* Hair loss

* Weight loss

* Low Immune system

* Fatigue

* Loss or change in appetite

* Sensitivity or alterations in the senses

* Nausea

Proper diet and nutrition is essential to maintain your health during and after chemotherapy treatment. The body needs protein to repair and regenerate tissues and muscles, and of course, it also needs other vitamins and nutrients. Proper nutrition is also important for muscle strength and overall energy. Patients should be given food choices that are easy to digest and are easily absorbed by the body. Unhealthy foods which are high in fat content, preservatives and additives should be limited or as much as possible, avoided. Fluids are also important to keep the patient's body well hydrated. Because chemotherapy treatment is harsh on the body, the patient should be given more than the average 8 glasses a day to help replace lost fluid. If the patient has poor nutrition before and during the treatment, it will only slow down the recovery of his body further as he would feel more tired.

We all understand and have observed that it could be difficult for those who just underwent chemotherapy treatment, to eat properly, so we would like to introduce to you Isagenix, the natural way to maintain a healthy immune system before and after chemotherapy. It has more than 90 different vitamins and minerals which ensures you to receive the best nutrition you can get on the cellular level.

Isagenix is one of the best if you or your family needs chemotherapy and proper nutrition before, during and after treatment.

Are you looking for more information regarding chemotherapy and proper nutrition before, during and after treatment? Visit today!

Are you looking for more information regarding chemotherapy and proper nutrition before, during and after treatment? Visit today!