If you are scared if your efforts at muscle building quickly will produce adverse effects on your body, fear not. There is nothing really wrong about the act itself of trying to build muscles at a quick speed. After all, most, if not all of us, want to get results in whatever we are doing as fast as possible, even in muscle gain. Call it impatience or human nature, but we want to see the fruits of our labor just so that we can be affirmed that we are doing the right thing. In the area of muscle building, it can be done and there are not a lot of side effects, supposed to be.

The last statement is a bit conditional because, as mentioned earlier, there is nothing wrong with trying to build muscles fast per se, although people have different ways of achieving this. Those various methods of achieving muscle gain are what can set apart those that will not experience any bad side effects from those that will. Some people will use methods that have been proven to produce adverse effects, while some will be content with methods that although may not be as quick in producing results, should still produce gains in muscle mass.

There is one popular way of building muscles in the fastest way possible, which has also become the most controversial: the use of steroids. Popular, yet controversial because it cannot be denied that steroids produce the desired effect of muscle building quickly, but then they have also been proven to result in negative effects. Let’s see first the positive gains that steroids bring to muscle gain.

Steroids have both androgenic, or the production of masculine characteristics, and anabol
ic, or muscle building effects. In terms of anabolic effects, steroids raise the body’s levels of testosterone, which in turn, affects the synthesis of protein in the body, which positively facilitates the speedy growth of muscles. With the increased levels of testosterone in the body, it is directed to utilize a majority of calories from food eaten to muscle production rather than to cultivate fat tissues. Moreover, testosterone also signals the growth of androgen receptors, which also discourages muscle atrophy, or the shrinking or wasting or muscles while minimizing the time for them to recover.

So, why then, do steroids have a bad reputation? That is because they have both short-term and long-term side effects. For those who take steroids for short periods of time, they will most possibly experience short-term side effects such as mood swings, insomnia, sudden spike in appetite, and water retention resulting in weight gain. Should the use of steroids be stopped, these effects also stop manifesting after a few days.

However, for those using steroid for muscle building quickly and therefore, take them for a longer period, may experience more serious side effects, including eye defects like cataracts and glaucoma, as well as diabetes mellitus, heart disease and bone deterioration, among others. These side effects may manifest themselves only years after taking the steroids, which unfortunately would be too late for some people, considering they may have enjoyed the muscle building gains years ago already.

Are you looking for more information regarding muscle building quickly ? Visit http://www.muscle-building-quickly.com/ today!

Are you looking for more information regarding muscle building quickly ? Visit http://www.muscle-building-quickly.com/ today!