Talk about “weight loss” and as high as 80 percent of all American adults and teens admit to having dieted -- usually with the same old yo-yo failures. These frustrated dieters:

• Starve themselves, give up their favorite foods, feel deprived or guilty and often depressed.

• Ignore signals from their bodies regarding the nourishment they need.

• Use food (and often over-eat) even when they are not really hungry, to relieve stress or frustration.

Sadly, most dieters end up weighing MORE, feeling defeated, discouraged and trapped in a vicious cycle of confusion and dissatisfaction. In fact, 95% of those people who try traditional dieting techniques gain back more weight then they lose.

If this has been your experience, take heart! When you combine good advice from diet programs such as Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig with the techniques found in the 6th sense diet using intuitive tools, you will discover new freedom to make the right eating choices that work for you. The answer to successful long-term weight loss, for your overall health, appearance and self-confidence, lies within you.

Intuition is not ESP. It's not rare and it's not scary. Instead, it's your 6th sense. Sometimes people call it the survival instinct. We are all born with it. You recognize it as a determined feeling, sometimes that gut feeling, sometimes a chill and sometimes it's a persistent nudge. Like you can close your eyes or ignore someone's voice, it's easy to ignore your intuition.

Intuition coordinates what you sense with eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin with what you feel in your heart and what you know from experience. It's your custom inner guidance system, focused on guiding towards your best quality of life. Intuition balances good eating choices with being kind to yourself.

Dieting is usually a focus on controlling what you eat. The inner game of eating intuitively is a focus on being in sync with yourself physically. It's thinking differently. Instead of focusing on rules and restrictions, it's a focus on values and comfort. Pretty cool.

Imagine eating what you want, knowing when you're hungry and being happy with your body and yourself. It's all part of flow of intuitive "self-control". The inner game keeps your head in tune with your gut feelings and your body with simple intuitive tools.

• Your head is the hard drive where you store experience and where your values connect.

• Your gut feeling is the connection that protects you by staying clear about what you sense and your long term priorities.

• Your body is the source of energy, health and pleasure. Naturally, you want to tune in to that!

Intuitive thinking is having an open mind and a flexible attitude. Sitting down to eat without a plan is having an open mind. This arms you with an awareness that drives you to feel curious about your choices. Part of the inner game of eating is realizing that you always have options.

Having a flexible attitude gives perspective. For example, If I eat this whole pizza, will I like what it does to my body? If I slam this sandwich down my throat without even tasting it, will I feel satisfied? The inner game of eating puts you in charge of what you do.

• Perspective is how you know yourself.

• It allows you to get out of your own way to see where you're going.

The inner game of eating includes checking in with your body with all 5 senses before you put food in your mouth. Doing that is your intuitive way of showing self-respect.

Your senses give you an immediate reality check. What matters is not a plan or a number on a scale. What's real when it comes to the inner game is how you feel, what you sense and your personal priorities.

Listening to your 6th sense teaches you about yourself. The better you know yourself, the easier it is to be good to yourself by maintaining eating self-control. It's surprisingly natural to get through the maze of eating challenges and diet stress to discover satisfaction with yourself by knowing the inner game of 6th sense eating. Intuitive tools that keep you in touch with eating self-control include:

• Curiosity reminds you to notice what you notice with your senses and your mind.

• Prudence is the reminder that you always have options and the ability to choose what feels best.

• Foresight reminds you to think about the results of your choices so there are no regrets.

You inner game of eating connects with what you value long-term in your life. You may value style, health, comfort, attention, wisdom, having fun or just staying clear. Having an open flexible mind means: your values are not always the same - except for this: You stay clear about what gives you pleasure and away from what fills you with regret. It feels like common sense.

What does it take to tap into your intuitive sense for eating and dining? How can it help you break the cycle of stress eating and “remove the blinders” that keep you overeating, dieting and suffering needlessly? Here is information to help you transform yourself from a stressed dieter to a liberated
intuitive eater.

As I tell countless clients, audiences and readers, these tools are easy to use because you already have them. They work with your mind, body, and emotions to keep priorities clear about body goals and eating. You can use the intuitive tools with common sense healthy food suggestions from diet programs.

The difference is that with the 6th sense diet, there's no counting calories or lists of forbidden foods, and no inner critic. Intuitive tools are a kind of common sense. They work with your 5 senses and your immediate situation. This means you're in touch with your body and in control of your eating choices.

• Curiosity drives you to be aware of healthy food alternatives. You can think for yourself and not be manipulated by media or restrictive programs that don't work.

• Prudence gives you the option to choose to eat a Weight Watchers meal, Jenny Craig or Lean Cuisine when you're too tired or too busy to take time to make a meal - instead of grabbing a fattening empty calorie snack.

• Foresight reminds you that you're in control and you like the way your body looks and feels. You learn to recognize physical cues and you learn to have patience with yourself because you stay clear about your personal priorities.

There are 10 tools every intuitive eater uses. Instead of calories and rules, these tools keep you in touch with your priorities and personal boundaries. There is no critic or forbidden foods, just techniques and common sense tips that bring you long-term satisfaction with your body and yourself. This is a proven support system that keeps you clear about what you want and in control of yourself.

Using intuitive tools keeps you in control by helping your recognize your priorities and personal boundaries. The result is you eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re not. You feel good.

This is how it works. You start thinking for yourself, tune into your body and start to recognize and trust your intuition. You lose weight because you tune directly into your body and physical hunger when you eat. You stop using food to eat as a cure for loneliness or frustration because you learn to connect with your emotions, and you recognize how to take control of eating choices so they feel good.

Determination is an intuitive tool that runs through you 24/7 and when you tune in to your 6th sense by noticing what you notice with your 5 senses, you'll recognize a quiet feeling of determination to respect your hunger and your body. Again, this connects with respecting yourself. Respecting yourself is part of your survival instinct, and that's part of your 6th sense.

As you get in to the habit of using the tools, they become automatic. The result is it's easy to avoid binging and emotional eating traps. As you tune into your body with the tools and your senses, you discover that it's not always food you're hungry for!

It's a problem to not realize what you're hungry for because it means you'll eat for the wrong reasons - and gain weight. Imagine the relief of knowing what you really want is a hug or a good night’s sleep or to talk to your best friend instead of eating a tub of ice cream! I found when people can recognize different kinds of hunger they discover ways of getting real satisfaction and they lose weight.

There are actually four kinds of hunger: physical, emotional, mental, and intuitive. Knowing what's making you think you're hungry and what you really need is as important as realizing when you're hungry. Emotional reactions to food interfere with real physical needs. When you can tell the difference, it's easy to make a choice that's good for your body.

The inner game of intuitive eating is guaranteed to reduce stress as well as your waistline. It will change your life. If you're willing to think differently, tune into your body and start trusting your 6th sense, you're on the way to a natural and empowering transformation. The journey will be satisfying and the reward will be a long-term reality.

Connect with your 6th sense and pause to refresh your life. When you eat and reflect about what is really important, energy travels from your heart to your mind. This refreshes your commitment to be clear about what you want. You will discover that when you think differently, you get different results!

My book about 6th sense dieting is a resource that will help you find balance when you eat. If you feel frustrated read about frustration, if you feel trapped check the chapter about bondage. If you’re happiest with a plan, read about creating your intuitive eating plan.

Instead of seeing eating as a chore, eating intuitively is seen as sensual. Recognizing physical signals when you’re hungry is liberating and easy. It’s always the season for parties. The result of eating intuitively is you automatically trade stress for personal satisfaction. Why not enjoy yourself?

Join intuitive eaters everywhere to enjoy meals, lose weight, learn about yourself and use your 6th sense to make the "impossible" possible. No more yo-yo dieting. When you think differently, you get different results!

Intuition expert Jane Bernard, author of Am I Really Hungry?, reveals how to break the cycle of stress eating by engaging your 6th sense. She’s been a guest on 100+ radio shows internationally and TV programs like Montel Williams. 914-319-2784 (NY); [email protected];

Intuition expert Jane Bernard, author of Am I Really Hungry?, reveals how to break the cycle of stress eating by engaging your 6th sense. She’s been a guest on 100+ radio shows internationally and TV programs like Montel Williams. 914-319-2784 (NY); [email protected];