How to Cut Weight Fast With Herbs and Spices
- By Nicholas Jarder
- Published 11/26/2012
- Wellness, Fitness and Diet
- Unrated
Aside from the regular exercise and diet plans, how to cut weight fast is attainable through the supplemental use of herbs and spices. Herbs have been extensively used around the world for the symptomatic treatment of many diseases. But what a lot of herbs are capable of is not limited to remedying symptoms of illness. They can also increase thermogenesis upon digestion and contribute to weight loss fast. The following are some herbs and spices that will surely create a fast weight loss effect if taken with right diet and exercise.
1. Green Tea
The number one on the list is the most popular herb linked with fast and healthy weight loss. Green tea is a natural stimulant and a fat burner. It contains caffeine that will make one feel hyped up for his or her daily activities, making him or her use more energy during the day. Green tea also contains vitamin C, which is another helpful substance when it comes to losing weight.
Green tea is most commonly purchase and taken in teabags. There are green tea capsules available in the market but the liquid form of green tea is what experts believe to be more effective.
2. Cayenne
When it comes to burning fats, cayenne cannot be disregarded. Cayenne is very popular as spice that effectively increases the body’s rate of metabolism. The substance contained in cayenne that’s responsible for its fat burning ability is called capsaicin.
Cayenne is not a rare item in markets. It’s usually sold in powder that can be conveniently added to any desired food preparation.
3. Ginseng
The use of the herb ginseng has com
e a very long way since the old times. It has numerous beneficial effects to the body and one of it is its ability to help control the body’s blood sugar. It helps on how to cut weight fast by reducing the body’s need to eat more carbohydrates, especially those foods made with simple sugars only, such as cakes, sweets, pies, etc.
Ginseng is commonly sold in teabags. However, ginseng root submerged in water on a big bottle is another ginseng preparation that is commonly found in many markets as well.
4. Dandelion
Who knew that this simple yet pretty yellow flower can actually be eaten raw? Dandelions are considered to be a mild laxative. It cleanses the body from wastes and toxins fast and because of that, digestion and metabolism will be faster as well. In salads, dandelions are sprinkled over, if not eaten raw.
Aside from the herbs and spices above, there are also other herbs that can help with weight loss such as aloe vera, coconut oil, and kelp or seaweed. Since these are natural, taking these herbs should be done carefully and with proper knowledge first. There are other herbs known to be helpful on how to cut weight fast but not all should be taken. Dangerous popular weight loss herbs include the ephedra herb (huang) and other herbal laxatives. These herbs can cause too much abdominal cramping pain that a person cannot tolerate it anymore. Moreover, frequent use of these herbal laxatives can cause the intestines to not function properly even if stimulated by laxative drugs.
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Are you looking for more information regarding how to cut weight fast? Visit today!
1. Green Tea
The number one on the list is the most popular herb linked with fast and healthy weight loss. Green tea is a natural stimulant and a fat burner. It contains caffeine that will make one feel hyped up for his or her daily activities, making him or her use more energy during the day. Green tea also contains vitamin C, which is another helpful substance when it comes to losing weight.
Green tea is most commonly purchase and taken in teabags. There are green tea capsules available in the market but the liquid form of green tea is what experts believe to be more effective.
2. Cayenne
When it comes to burning fats, cayenne cannot be disregarded. Cayenne is very popular as spice that effectively increases the body’s rate of metabolism. The substance contained in cayenne that’s responsible for its fat burning ability is called capsaicin.
Cayenne is not a rare item in markets. It’s usually sold in powder that can be conveniently added to any desired food preparation.
3. Ginseng
The use of the herb ginseng has com
Ginseng is commonly sold in teabags. However, ginseng root submerged in water on a big bottle is another ginseng preparation that is commonly found in many markets as well.
4. Dandelion
Who knew that this simple yet pretty yellow flower can actually be eaten raw? Dandelions are considered to be a mild laxative. It cleanses the body from wastes and toxins fast and because of that, digestion and metabolism will be faster as well. In salads, dandelions are sprinkled over, if not eaten raw.
Aside from the herbs and spices above, there are also other herbs that can help with weight loss such as aloe vera, coconut oil, and kelp or seaweed. Since these are natural, taking these herbs should be done carefully and with proper knowledge first. There are other herbs known to be helpful on how to cut weight fast but not all should be taken. Dangerous popular weight loss herbs include the ephedra herb (huang) and other herbal laxatives. These herbs can cause too much abdominal cramping pain that a person cannot tolerate it anymore. Moreover, frequent use of these herbal laxatives can cause the intestines to not function properly even if stimulated by laxative drugs.
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Are you looking for more information regarding how to cut weight fast? Visit today!
Nicholas Jarder

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