Acid reflux is the condition wherein the stomach acids find its way up to the lower esophageal sphincter which causes the sensation known as heartburn. When acid reflux is left untreated it has the potential of harming the esophageal lining which can lead to scar tissue. This will eventually cause the sufferer some difficulty in swallowing. Furthermore, it is potentially dangerous because esophageal cancer may soon follow if treatment is not applied.

In medical parlance, acid reflux is known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD for brevity. To be able to know how to deal with this disease, it is important to know what the causes that bring about this condition are. Below are some of the known causes of GERD.

• Pregnancy - as the baby grows inside the mother's womb it creates considerable pressure in the stomach which can lead to acid reflux. This happens more often during the third trimester of pregnancy. Fortunately, this ceases as a mother advances through pregnancy and finally gives birth to the baby

• Hiatal Hernia - when the upper portion of the stomach protrudes through the chest via a diaphragm opening, hiatal hernia occurs. It is triggered by vomiting, severe coughing, sudden physical exertion and straining.

• Bending forward - this movement,, needless to say, will cause acid to go up from the stomach to the mouth.

• Smoking - this vice is responsible for increased production of stomach acids and weakens the esophageal sphincter.

• Peptic ulcers - this is the culprit for gastric acid buildup whi
ch eventually forces acids to travel back to the esophageal sphincter.

• Alcohol - patients have experienced acid reflux due to alcohol consumption and an abrupt avoidance of this substance has shown to relieve them of the symptoms of acid reflux.

Knowing what causes acid reflux is half the battle won. You also need the help of acid reflux remedies. Luckily, there are items which are readily available at home that can provide you with instant acid reflux remedies. A classic remedy is the consumption of milk. Milk is known to lessen the effects of the condition. If you do not have milk around, plain water will do the same trick by diluting the acids which may go up from the stomach into the esophageal region. The consumption of chamomile tea is also recommended to fight acid reflux. If you are still in the habit of drinking coffee, then this is the right time to kick the habit and replace it with drinking tea.

Changing your head position during sleep is also one of the acid reflux remedies that is simple enough. Elevate your head using one or two pillows to avoid stomach acids from traveling up to the esophagus. Some beds have an elevating mechanism which can raise your head at an angle during sleep. Chewing gums may also provide comfort because it promotes the formation of saliva which in turn washes away the leftover acid from your esophagus and your throat. Because saliva is alkaline, it has the characteristic of neutralizing acids.

Are you looking for more information regarding acid reflux remedies? Visit today!

Are you looking for more information regarding acid reflux remedies? Visit today!