The after burn effect is known in scientific circles as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Briefly, it is an increase in oxygen uptake by the body following strenuous exercise. One of the major effects is an increased metabolism, leading to accelerated weight loss.

The level of EPOC is relative to the amount of oxygen used during exercise. Therefore, more aerobic (oxygen-using) activities are more effective in generating a high EPOC. Cardiovascular exercise, especially at high intensity, is one type of such activity. Weight lifting can be aerobic, too, when heavy weights are used, with a low number of repetitions and little rest between sets.

Circuit training and interval training, in which activities and intensity are varied in a specified sequence, are often used to generate a high EPOC for the after burn effect. In circuit training, you move from one exercise to the next, with minimal rest between. In interval training, the same activity is broken up with alternating phases of intense and moderate work. For example, on the treadmill, you’ll run at top speed for 60 seconds, then walk for 120 seconds, then sprint again for 60, repeating the sequence for a total of 6 to 8 times.

Clearwater residents interested in finally losing stubborn fat should consult with a personal trainer, who will develop a personalized program that takes into account current levels of fitness and ultimate goals. Trainers provide motivation and support, as well as structure – it’s not so easy to blow off going to the gym if you’ve got an appointment. They’ll keep you on track and push you t
o work your hardest.

For accelerated weight loss, a high intensity routine has been shown to be the best approach. While moderate, sustained activity does boost EPOC, the after burn effect from high intensity exercise is more than twice as high. This is true of any high intensity activity, whether cardio, weights, or both. Training sessions are short, running from 15 to 20 minutes each.

High intensity training can be challenging. You’ll be working consistently within 80 percent of your maximum heart rate, and 70 percent of your maximum capacity for oxygen consumption. Your dedications will pay off: there’s no better way to achieve truly fast and effective body transformations.

A healthy diet and adequate rest are still important as elements of a well-rounded weight loss program. Cells need more than oxygen to recover and grow, so you’ve got to ensure that you are providing adequate nutrients. Most cellular repair takes place during sleep, and if you aren’t well rested, you won’t have the energy and focus you need to keep up with your workouts.

With the after burn effect, you can realize significant fat loss in just a few weeks. The increased metabolism means that you’ll burn more calories, even at rest, so fat just melts away. High intensity exercise also has a psychological impact, triggering a sense of satisfaction in accomplishment. Working with a personal trainer in Clearwater will give you the support and motivation that you need to succeed.

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Are you looking for more information regarding weight loss? Visit today!