When it comes to explaining a certain phenomenon, people can have a variety of explanations as to why it is so. Some of it may be quite believable while there are others that are downright ridiculous. So to clear the air, let us debunk those hair loss myths. When you know that exact causes it will be easier and more effective to treat.

One of the common hair loss myths that have been circulating is that the condition is acquired from the mother’s genetic pool. Androgenetic alopecia or male/female pattern baldness is a hereditary condition that can be passed on by either side of the family. It can even skip a generation and then reappear later on.

For those who are big fan of caps or hats, you might not like it when they say that wearing it most of the time can lead to hair loss. This isn’t entirely true. Hair loss will result only if the hat you are wearing is too tight that it impairs the circulation on your head. So you don’t have to compromise your fashion statement, just as long as your head has enough room to breathe then you’re okay.

Some think that the stresses of everyday can also cause hair loss. This statement should be quite alarming since we actually experience stress every day, from the long traffic, mounds of laundry or those piles of paperwork. But to cause excessive hair loss, one has to undergo a great deal of stress. The usual worries everyday won’t necessarily cause your hair to shed off excessively.

Another misconception is that hair products such as mousse, gels and hairsprays can cause hair loss. If this is true, then we should have all gone bald by now. These products will only lead to balding only if you do not wash it off thoroughly afterwards. If you fail to do this, the chemicals will eventually clog the hair follicles or affect the scalp which can lead to infections and ultimately to hair los

In relation to hair care products, another myth is that washing the hair regularly can lead to hair loss. This is not true because you can actually wash your hair as many times as you want. You just have to make sure that you use gentle hair care products because strong ones can weaken your hair and scalp, therefore leading to an increased incidence of breakage and hair loss.

Some also believe that combing too much can cause hair loss. Only if you are already experiencing hair loss will this action aggravate the situation. It is also untrue that a hundred strokes improve circulation on the scalp therefore preventing hair loss. You should know that good nutrition and proper supplementation can help you maintain a healthy scalp and stronger hair strands.

Another common misconception is that cutting the hair short will help it to grow thicker. This isn’t scientifically proven, but this perception is drawn from the fact that the part of the hair strand near the roots is much thicker compared to the tips. This gives the impression that the hair has grown thicker.

Another hair loss related myth is that certain hair care products can increase the number of hair follicles on your head. This is downright untrue because each of us are born with a certain amount of hair follicles, and this will be all that you have for the rest of your life. However, an exception to this rule is when someone gets a hair transplant.

If permanent hair loss has taken its course, you can trust The Hair and Laser Clinic to successful restore your full head of hair through hair restoration in Singapore. With the renowned Dr. Tyng Tan heading our team, you can be well assured only the best result. Please feel free to add her in your google plus circle +Dr Tyng Tan.

The Hair and Laser Clinic is a Singapore-based clinic specializing in FUE hair transplant and medical aesthetics. The clinic is headed by Dr Tyng Tan, a skin and hair specialist in Singapore. (http://www.hairandlaserclinic.com/)