Buying a treadmill? You have a lot of options these days. There are over 30 different brands on the market - each with their own line of different models!

One brand you may want to consider is a Nordic Track treadmill. Nordic Track? The brand may conjure up visions of the famous ski machine that was so popular in the 1980s.

But NordicTrack has come a long way since then - and they make some of the most popular value-conscious treadmills on the market right now.

Nordic track is also one of the largest treadmill manufacturers - owned by ICON Health and Fitness - who also own names like Healthrider and Freemotion.

Here are 3 reasons you may want to consider buying a Nordic Track treadmill for your home:

#1 Affordable For Any Budget

It used to be that any treadmill under $1000 was not going to last - and that usually showed with a very short warranty and bad user reviews.

But NordicTrack offers several different models for under $1000 that are quite good. They have high powered motors, strong decks and long warranties. In fact, some of them have garnered some impressive expert "Best Buy" awards.

If you want a little more luxury in your treadmill, you can also find some great runners treadmill between $1000 and $2000. These give you top-of-the-line cushioning, extra long belts, full color consoles and lots of built-in workouts.

So you can definitely find something that fits your budget without breaking the bank.

#2 Lots of Workout Toys

These treadmills carry toys and features that are great for spicing up your workout. You'll find options on these treadmills that other brands don't offer.

For example, did you know you can get a treadmill with a built
-in web browser? Just imagine surfing the net and reading your emails while you walk!

Or how about a treadmill with up to 40% incline? That's a proven recipe for mega-fast calorie burning.

There are also treadmills that quick-touch handle controls - or treadmills that will track you workout stats overtime online and help you reach your fitness goals.

So if you want a treadmill with something extra, you can probably find a Nordic Track model you love.

#3 Incline and Decline

Most treadmills today offer you incline. Incline can help you work your leg muscles and burn more calories. But several of the new Nordic Track treadmills also come with decline as well!

This is great for crosstraining and building your balance muscles. It also lends more of a challenge to your workout.

Some treadmill models even come with ultra-high inclines of up to 40%. This can help you burn 5 times the calories as walking on a flat surface. If you're looking to lose weight very fast on your treadmill, this is a great way to do it.

So those are 3 reasons why you may want to consider a Nordic Track treadmill for your home.

Be wary however because some stores sell older models that don't offer you these advantages. Make sure you compare and research any treadmill model before you buy to make sure you find the best treadmill for you!

Want to compare NordicTrack treadmills? Visit Nordic Track Treadmill Reviews to compare treadmills at a glance and read product reviews.

Or for more general treadmill buying information visit Best Treadmill Reviews where you'll find product ratings, reviews and money-saving tips.

Want to compare NordicTrack treadmills? Visit to compare NordicTrack models at a glance.
Or for more general treadmill information visit for the latest product reviews, ratings and money saving tips.