As we age, we add a few years to our life span and a few lines to our faces. Most people who reach the age of forty become susceptible to occurrence of wrinkles and fine lines. However, some people can acquire fine lines and wrinkles even before reaching forty.

People who have wrinkles would like to get a speedy solution in eliminating wrinkles and fine lines. However, these fine lines do not disappear in a single night. This will require a huge deal of patience and effort to achieve a wrinkle-free face.

Here are 7 ways to reduce wrinkles and fine lines:

1. Avoid prolong exposure to the sun as the harmful UV rays can darken your skin and cause your skin to age prematurely. Use sunscreen with at least SPF15. If you have sensitive skin, consult your dermatologist so you can get a higher SPF that will work best with your skin. Makes sure to wear sunscreen even during winter or cloudy days as the UV rays can still penetrate your skin,

2. If you have to go out, wear protective clothes such as sunglasses to cover your eyes or hats with wide brim to cover your face and neck. This will help lessen your exposure to UV rays.

3. If you already have wrinkles or fine lines on your face, try using anti-wrinkle creams and astringents. These beauty products are available in stores or over-the-counter drug stores. The active ingredients present in the anti-wrinkle creams affect the effectiveness of the product in terms of eliminating wrinkles. Though they can be bought without prescription, consult your dermatologist first so you are aware what will be the best medica
tion suitable for your skin.

4. Make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep every day. Lack of sleep kills the cells around your eyes which can lead to dark eye rings and fine lines in the long run. If you lack sleep, try placing cool cucumber rings on your eyes while sleeping to lessen the damage to the skin cells.

5. Avoid smoking as much as possible. Smoking can kill healthy cells in your body and may lead to premature wrinkles around your mouth due to puckering. If you are a smoker, try to quit the nicotine habit as soon as possible.

6. Drinking occasionally can be beneficial to your body such as drinking red wine and beer. However, when done in excess, drinking can damage your blood vessels in the long run. This can lead to visible blood vessels on your face and flushed skin. Also, too much sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to appearance of wrinkles and saggy skin.

7. You can try some simple home remedies to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. You can apply coconut oil on the wrinkles every night and massage the area properly. Try mixing the juice extracted from cabbage leaves with barley powder and honey. Apply it on your face for fifteen minutes and rinse it well with water.

Eliminating wrinkles can be easy task if you put your mind and effort in practicing a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits.

Kenwood Porter writes about home beauty, health, and other topics. To learn how to look better and more youthful, go check out his favorite Botox doctor.

Kenwood Porter writes about home beauty, health, and other topics. To learn how to look better and more youthful, go check out his favorite Botox doctor.