When people talk about sexually transmitted diseases (or STDs), the clap is basically one of the most talked about. There are millions of people who are very active sexually and many are not taking the necessary precautions to protect themselves from various diseases that are spread through sexual contact. People have to know the different signs and symptoms of these diseases so that they could promptly get the medical attention that they need. The STDs have to be treated immediately or else there will be complications in the future. People do not have to worry because these diseases are normally very treatable and would go away once proper treatment has been given.

Gonorrhea (or the clap) is one of those STDs that have become common, especially among those who are very sexually active. This disease is said to be more common especially among the young adults. The bacterium (Neisseia gonorrhoeae) that causes this disease is known to infect the following: the genitals, the anus, or the mouth. In the recent years, experts have seen the significant decline in the number of people who are infected with this bacterium, due to the effectiveness of the treatment given. Physicians would always encourage their patients who are sexually active to take the necessary precautions that will help them avoid getting sexually transmitted diseases.

For those who really want to know what this disease is, it is a disease that infects both men and women. There are various signs and symptoms that people have to watch out for. But then, the signs and symptoms are more often felt by the men rather than the women. Wh
en this is left untreated, it may cause complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which could lead to ectopic pregnancy or abdominal pain in women. Septicemia, meningitis, and infertility have also been reported as probable complications.

The signs and symptoms of gonorrhea that people have to watch out for are the following:

• Whitish or yellowish discharge from the penis

• Discoloration of vaginal discharges – from yellowish to greenish and may have a strong smell

• Burning sensation while urinating (for both men and women)

• Anal irritation and discharges

These signs and symptoms are what the people have to watch out for. Some women, however, do not develop any signs and symptoms until later or may develop signs that are non-specific. The bacterium is passed on from one person to another through penetrative sex (oral, vaginal, or anal).

People who think that they might be infected with gonorrhea should take the steps to get themselves the treatment that they need. They should talk over the treatment options with their doctors, so that they may be able to get rid of the infection right away. Though there have been millions of people who suffered from this disease, they have also found that the disease is highly treatable. There is nothing to be ashamed about when a person develops this disease because it could be treated. Safe sexual practices would really help to avoid the transmission of these diseases.

Are you looking for more information regarding the clap ? Visit http://www.the-clap.com/ today !

Are you looking for more information regarding the clap ? Visit http://www.the-clap.com/ today !