If you have ever received amalgam fillings, otherwise known as dental amalgam, then you may be at risk for mercury poisoning. These fillings contain heavy metals such as silver, tin and copper but they also contain 50% pure mercury, which is an extremely toxic heavy metal.

The mercury in the amalgam fillings is easily released with even light stimulation from brushing your teeth, grinding your teeth or even chewing. Once that mercury enters the body, it is concentrated and stored in the brain and kidneys where, without chelation, it remains for up to 30 years before it is broken down.

Mercury Is Responsible for a Dramatic Rise in Alzheimer’s, Autism and Many Other Diseases

Studies have shown that the mercury found in amalgam fillings can lead to the development of autism as well as other conditions such as attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Mercury can also be extremely dangerous to unborn fetuses because they absorb mercury from the mother, which may lead to miscarriages. In addition, amalgam is responsible for oxidative stress, various forms of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and also many neuropsychological disorders.

This isn’t just idle speculation either. When examined, diseased hearts have been found to contain over 22,000 times the amount of mercury typically found in a healthy heart. In children diagnosed with autism, their organs have been found to contain mercury levels that are several times higher than that found in healthy, non autistic children. Mercury has also been proven to lead to brain cell death.

But the dangers don’t stop there.

Aluminum has also been proven to further exacerbate the dangers of mercury. When a child receives a vaccination, for example, that vaccine typically contains aluminum hydroxide and thiomersal, which reacts with the mercury present in the body and dramatically increases the risk of autism, especially in males who are four times more likely to develop the condition than females. The toxic reaction between aluminum and mercury can also increase the speed at which brain cells are destroyed.

How Can You Reduce Your Exposure to Mercury?

First and foremost have your mercury fillings removed by a bio-compatibility trained dentists. Do not have this done by conventional dentists. Bio-compatibility trained dentists are dentists who have been thoroughly trained in the careful removal of silver fillings as well as other toxic dental materials.

Secondly, B.T. dentists will not only remove your toxic dental fillings and materials but also replace them with high quality material that's completely bio-compatible. This will make it so that everything that's in your teeth is great for your body biologically.

In addition there are steps that you can take to reduce your exposure to toxic mercury. For example, you can eliminate toxic soaps and shower creams from your daily life, which are responsible for rinsing away the Vitamin D found in our skin. This is dangerous because Vitamin D plays a vital role in the body’s ability to reduce mercury and other heavy metal deposits. Without it, our bodies simply cannot break down these toxic substances. Unfortunately, a vast majority of the population is deficient in Vitamin D, which means that you must take special care to ensure that you are receiving adequate exposure to the sun’s life giving rays. You should also avoid any unnecessary cosmetics.

You should also include chelating agents in your diet, because they bind with heavy metals such as mercury, which supports your body's natural detoxification abilities in flushing them out. These natural chelating agents can be found in chlorella (fresh water algae) as well as cilantro, MSM, citrus pectin, garlic and wild grass. With the help of sunlight and these natural chelating agents, you can help your body to eliminate 30 times more heavy metals and significantly reduce your risk of mercury related illnesses.

Copyright 2012. Boro Petric. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.longevitystrategist.com/amalgam-fillings/

Boro Petric, a Swiss native, became a longevity strategist after having battled a liver tumor that almost took his life. His website is a free online resource for people who want to live longer, stronger and healthier.

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Boro Petric, a Swiss native, became a longevity strategist after having battled a liver tumor that almost took his life. His website is a free online resource for people who want to live longer, stronger and healthier.