Every year, more than 7 million people around the world die from various forms of cancer. Perhaps even more disturbing is that this trend continues to worsen year after year as this deadly disease claims more and more victims.

Fortunately, independent researchers have now discovered the sources of many of the toxins responsible for causing cancer. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can now protect themselves from cancer through a process known as body detoxing.

The Toxin – Cancer Connection

Many mainstream cancer researchers, typically funded by pharmaceutical corporations or chemical manufacturers that have a financial interest in cancer treatments, have focused all of their attention on finding an elusive cancer virus or a genetic predisposition to cancer. Yet their obsession has blinded them to the true cause of cancer – exposure to toxins.

A growing number of independent researchers have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the toxins that are so prevalent in our modern world are quite literally poisoning us. These toxins not only impair our immune systems and prevent them from fighting off diseases such as cancer, but they also cause disruptions in cellular protection, cellular differentiation and cellular function.

These toxins also severely strain our body’s natural defense mechanisms like the skin, bowels, lungs, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, which try in vain to eliminate the toxic overload. Worse yet, the damaging effects of toxins are cumulative, which means that they not only affect your immediate health but also lead to severe and even fatal diseases in the future like cancer.

But where do these toxins come from?

The answer may surprise you: EVERYWHERE.

The most obvious sources of toxins are chemical spills, herbicides, pesticides, factories, incinerators or automobile and truck exhaust. But even everyday products that we don’t even think twice about using or consuming carry dangerous toxins too, all of which end up in our bodies.

Perfumes, hair sprays, fluoridated drinking water, bug sprays, household sprays, topical ointments, non-prescription and prescription drugs, synthetic vitamins, artificial food ingredients and fast food all contribute to the toxic overload that is building inside each and every one of us.

The question is not whether these toxins are dangerous; the question is whether or not you will take charge of your own health and begin the process of body detoxing by monitoring what you eat and minimizing exposure to all of the different sources of toxins that threaten your life and wellbeing.

Types of Toxins

Avoiding toxins means more than simply eating healthy, uncontaminated foods. It’s virtually impossible to avoid all of the toxins we encounter in everyday life, but fortunately we can assist our bodies by minimizing our exposure as much as possible, but that means we must understand exactly where and how the toxins are entering our bodies in the first place.

Toxins from External Sources

External toxins enter our bodies from a variety of sources, including:

Food – excitotoxins, herbicides, pesticides, agricultural chemicals, food emulsifiers, food stabilizers, artificial flavoring and colorings, preservatives, additives, refined sugar and table salt.

Air – household sprays, pollens, dust mites, polluted air, toxic fumes, cleaning supplies, tobacco smoke, perfumes or stale and stagnant air.

Water – industrial pollution, chemicals, rusts, heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and water contaminated with inorganic minerals.

Medical Treatments – low quality supplements, vaccinations, artificial hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy or non-prescription and prescription drugs, which are all major poisons.

Dental Treatments – fluoride treatments, braces, implants, acrylic dentures, root canals and mercury amalgam fillings.

Radiation – UV radiation, CAT scans, MRI scans, ultra-sound scans, gamma rays, x-rays, cell phones, electromagnetic gadgets, microwave ovens, television waves, radio waves and radiotherapy.

Household – laundry supplies, non-stick cookware, aluminum pots, gas stoves, moth balls, all kinds of household sprays, cleaning agents, heating systems, new asbestos ceilings, new carpets, varnishes and new paints.

Personal Care Items – hair dyes, cosmetics that contain lead, nail polish, toothpaste, deodorants, shampoos, soaps and perfumes.

While many of these items may seem too mundane to actually cause any lasting harm, the toxins they contain all contribute to a cumulative toxic buildup over time because of our constant exposure to them.

Toxins fro
m Internal Sources

Internal toxins all originate from external sources, but once inside the body they begin to slowly poison us. Some of those sources include:

Microorganisms – parasites, fungi, mold, yeasts, viruses and bacteria.

Calcification – dead calcium supplements and the buildup of bad calcium left behind from calcium-forming organisms.

Old Toxins – various chemicals that we are exposed to react with old toxins that are already present in the body, often leading to severe medical symptoms.

Dental Works – resins, cements, binders, acrylic, mercury and other metals are often found in the materials used for dental works and can leach into the body when we eat.

Medical Implants – staples, plates, screws, pacemakers, joint replacements and implants such as silicone breast implants.

Toxic Buildup – hardened fecal matter and undigested foods.

Toxins Produced by Our Own Body

Aside from all of the sources listed above, our bodies also naturally produce many toxins that must be disposed of. In healthy individuals this is generally not a problem because the body is able to naturally eliminate them. But over time, toxins from other sources can overwhelm the body’s natural defenses and mechanisms for handling them, leading to a toxic overload that spirals out of control. This toxic chain reaction can lead to the development of many immediate and long-term health problems like cancer and even death if left unresolved.

Some of the toxins that our bodies naturally produce include:

Bilirubin – Our livers produce this toxin as a natural by-product when old red blood cells are broken down. Normally this toxin is carried out of the body in the stool, however when it isn’t completely eliminated, it can lead to jaundice, which is a serious medical condition that causes the skin and eyes to turn yellow.

Urea – This toxin is also another natural by-product of our livers, and is produced when proteins and amino acids are broken down. Typically this toxin is neutralized by the kidneys and excreted in our urine, but when the kidneys are not functioning properly this leads to a condition known as uremia.

Uric Acid – This toxin is the by-product of the breakdown of purine in the body. High concentrations of this substance are found in internal organs and meats that we consume, including kidneys and livers. When uric acid isn’t eliminated completely, it can crystalize in the kidneys, toes (gout) and joints leading to excruciating pain.

Creatinine – Muscle metabolism creates a natural by-product called creatinine. Our kidneys process and filter this toxin so that it can be excreted through our urine, but when the kidneys are malfunctioning or overwhelmed, this leads to a dangerous buildup of creatinine.

Hormone Imbalance – Excess hormones can become internal body toxins. These chemical messengers are produced by various glands and then absorbed into the bloodstream. However, if the secretion of hormones is too low or too high, the liver cannot detoxify them.

Free Radicals – While oxygen is necessary to sustain life, you might be surprised to hear it has a dark side. Oxygen can react with toxins through a process called oxidation, which produces free radicals that are known to cause cancer and many other serious diseases.

Guide to Body Detoxing and Preventing Cancer

If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by the above information, and the knowledge that toxins are all around you (and inside you), don’t panic! This reaction is only natural. Fortunately, there are many toxins that you can avoid, and you can significantly minimize your exposure to those you can’t by changing your lifestyle and adopting a health body detoxing program.

To begin the detoxification process immediately, use the lists above to take stock of all of the different toxins that you are exposing yourself to in your daily life, including everything you eat and drink, as well as any personal care products that come in direct contact with your skin. You should also take steps to avoid as many other sources of toxins as possible by examining your surroundings at home and work and minimizing your exposure as much as possible.

By taking the time to eliminate as many sources of toxins as possible from your daily life, many of the internal problems associated with toxins will also resolve themselves naturally, leaving you with a stronger, healthier body that is free of cancer and other deadly diseases.

Copyright 2011. Boro Petric. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.longevitystrategist.com/body-detoxing/

Boro Petric, a Swiss native, became a longevity strategist after having battled a liver tumor that almost took his life. His website is a free online resource for people who want to live longer, stronger and healthier.

Visit LongevityStrategist.com

Boro Petric, a Swiss native, became a longevity strategist after having battled a liver tumor that almost took his life. His website is a free online resource for people who want to live longer, stronger and healthier.