There are numerous health problems that people suffer from, in actuality, are Vitamin D deficiencies. Like any other sickness or condition of poor health, these symptoms are often attributed to genetic predispositions or other root causes.

Many breakthroughs in health have been brought about by discoveries about vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency seems to get very little recognition. This is especially unfortunate because the remedy for this particular deficiency is something that is readily available to us all.

The Symptoms

Before we get into the cure for Vitamin D Deficiency symptoms, it is helpful to know just what these symptoms are. There are numerous symptoms that are attributed to a lack of Vitamin D, but one is more insidious and life threatening than them all – Breast Cancer. Yes, it's true.

Vitamin D deficiency can, and does, lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths each year by breast cancer alone. Few diseases receive as much publicity as breast cancer, so it is surprising how the powers that be continue to ignore, and sometimes cover up, just how much of a role the lack of Vitamin D plays in the formation of this deadly disease.

Vitamin D3 helps to fight off, not only breast cancer, but colon cancer too. These two diseases alone are responsible for the deaths of over 600,000 people every year. Since Vitamin D is essential to ward off these kinds of cancers and to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths, it is important to know how you can take advantage of this knowledge and get your Vitamin D levels raised to the healthiest levels possible.

The Sun's Role

It surprises many people to find out that they don't h
ave to take a pill or eat an exotic food to get more of the essential Vitamin D that they need. In fact, the one thing that you can do to get optimum levels of Vitamin D in your system is absolutely free and there is plenty of this secret ingredient for everyone in the world.

Studies have shown that spending as little as 10 to 15 minutes exposing the skin to sunlight is adequate for producing healthy levels of Vitamin D. Getting regular exposure to sunlight is the cure for Vitamin D deficiency symptoms. It may sound surprising, but it's true. The one thing that can help to avert hundreds of thousands, if not millions of deaths every year is in plain view to us all.

Sunlight isn't the only way to get Vitamin D. There are supplements that can provide your body with Vitamin D and some foods, like Colostrum that contains 3 times more vitamin D than milk.

However, getting Vitamin D through foods or oral supplementation are not the best ways to cure Vitamin D deficiency symptoms. In fact, taking Vitamin D supplements can be a dangerous proposition if you don't take the right supplement.

The preferred method for producing Vitamin D to avoid serious health issues remains the free alternative – simple exposure to sunlight.

Copyright 2011. Boro Petric. All rights reserved.


Boro Petric, a Swiss native, became a longevity strategist after having battled a liver tumor that almost took his life. His website is a free online resource for people who want to live longer, stronger and healthier. Visit

Boro Petric, a Swiss native, became a longevity strategist after having battled a liver tumor that almost took his life. His website is a free online resource for people who want to live longer, stronger and healthier.