When it comes to breast enhancements the popularity of the typical silicone and saline implants are slowly becoming overshadowed by a new product dubbed as “gummy bear” implants. As much as they sound like the yummy, chewy and colorful treat, it is actually the term to best describe the consistency of this particular breast implants.

If you dissect a silicone breast implant, you would see that it is made out of a viscous semi-fluid substance used as fillers. But if you look at gummy bear implants, slicing through it would reveal a gelatinous consistency that is very similar to what you see after you bite into a gummy bear. But it should be made clear that these breast implants are not made out of gelatin but a high-strength silicone gel.

These implants have been around for quite some time now, having been developed during the nineties era. It was first marketed in Europe, before it reached the US arena. In the Western world, these gummy bear implants were manufactured under the brand name Silimed. It received an impressive ISO9001 certification, which is actually a revelation to its quality because this means that it passed rigorous and strict manufacturing standards.

Other brands for gummy bear implants are still under study, which is why the distribution and use of these unapproved implants are very limited. Only authorized surgeons are allowed to use these implants, and usually for trial purposes.

A perk that lead most women to believe that gummy bear implants is highly preferable is because its texture allows it to appear and feel perkier. It is able to provide a more natural look and feel compared to the usual silicone and saline implants because it does not fold, wrinkle or create ripples. The jelly-like substance allows for a bouncier and softer consistency when touched, and it doesn’t create any sloshing sound when you move.

Another advantage with gummy bear implants is that they do not pose any risk for leaks and ruptures. This significantly cuts back the worries of a lot of women considering that this is the reason why those controversial PIP implants were caught under fire.

Its ability to form a more natural tear drop appearance resembling real breasts makes this im
plant highly appealing for women. This is in contrast to the traditional implants which easily gives away that you had a boob job done because it creates a perfect circular ridge when you press against it.

The shape of the implants also makes it comfortable for the women, although there tends to be more firmness compared to the traditional implants.

Adding to that gummy bear implants also lessens the incidence of capsular contractures. This is a rather painful complication which results after a scar tissue builds up around the implant. Aside from the pain, this also cause hardening to the area.

But even with their good reviews, it is also important to know that there are also a lists of disadvantages to these implants.

A major issue with gummy bear implant is that their firmness makes it difficult to be pushed through a small incision. So naturally, a longer incision is necessary so the implant can fit through and be arranged more properly.

The firmness of gummy bear implants also creates a problem, especially when the breast tissue of a patient is much smaller compared to the implant. Its consistency makes it more challenging to manipulate in that it does not slip and glide through small spaces and openings.

And when it comes to the price, gummy bear implants are more expensive compared to saline and the typical silicone implants.

But for a more thorough and appropriate advice, it is best that you take this up with a licensed, experienced and highly competent surgeon. This will make him a better source of realistic recommendations which are specific to your case. He will also be able to provide you with an extensive explanation regarding the pros and cons particularly about breast implants.

For $54/wk breast implants payment plan in Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra, Esteem Cosmetic Studio is the place that you can trust. Their team of highly competent surgeons will ensure that you get the best results by employing only meticulous techniques using the finest brand in your implant of choice. Add +Rena Sharma in your Google circle.

For payment plan for breast implants in Sydney(http://www.esteemstudio.com.au/t7breastaug.php), Brisbane and Canberra, Esteem Cosmetic Studio is the place that you can trust. Their team of highly competent surgeons will ensure that you get the best results by employing only using the finest brand.