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- Discovering My Pain Monster: A Not So Tall Tale About Feeling Pretty Remarkable
Discovering My Pain Monster: A Not So Tall Tale About Feeling Pretty Remarkable
- By Dr. Tamara Berger
- Published 12/13/2012
- Wellness, Fitness and Diet
- Unrated
Chapter 1: The Pain Monster Attacks! Ambushed In My Sleep…
Have you met your pain monster? My most memorable encounter with this hellion came to pass several years ago. I remember it distinctly, it came out of nowhere and it wreaked havoc with my life. Eight months after my second child was born I woke up one morning unable to get out of bed.
Apparently while I was sleeping my pain monster had used my back as a trampoline and left me in a state of what felt like near paralysis. Every movement sent shockwaves of pain into my lower back. I couldn’t move very much, I couldn’t carry my kids, I couldn’t get into or out of my car.
I felt useless and incredibly frustrated. I wanted to move, to play with my kids, to get my work done but it was just not possible. I had been introduced to my pain monster and he made it clear that he was not going to loosen his grip without a fight.
Chapter 2: How Could This Happen?
History has given me perspective. I look back at this time in my life and I know why I ended up with the pain monster literally at my back. I had just given birth to my second child. I had a relatively “sedentary” pregnancy (I had a broken foot) and I ate my way through every fast food restaurant I could fit through the door (stay tuned for the hormone monster story).
I gained at least 50 pounds (I truly stopped counting) and when my second child was born I was determined to return to my active pre-pregnancy lifestyle. As soon as I was able, I returned to my usual fitness routine, which included running, weights and yoga. I felt good despite my lack of sleep and my strength was returning. Little did I realize that I was creating the perfect conditions for the pain monster to thrive.
2 Main Reasons Why I Was Attacked?
1. The physical changes that occur when you are pregnant are immense (I am not just talking about the weight gain). When you are pregnant your joints and ligaments become more flexible which leaves you more prone to injury. For many women the abdominal muscles separate to the point where they are never quite the same.
This separation is known as abdominal diastasis. I had a large diastasis and a slight herniation. I did not take the time to build up my core strength and pelvic floor muscles to a point where they could support a fitness program. This is almost embarrassing to admit, as I should have known better. I was so focused on losing the 50 plus pounds that I had gained that I didn’t realize I needed to SLOW DOWN.
2. I had a newborn and a toddler who where both up at night. I was not getting the sleep I needed for my muscles to repair and recover. Sleep is vital for our survival and I wasn’t getting any. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, my body was not able to recover as quickly as it had with my first child (She was a better sleeper).
Aside from making you feel “good” sleep deprivation has been linked to weight gain, inflammation, chronic pain, mental illness, memory loss, confusion and the list goes on and on.
Chapter 3: Taking A Stan
d Against My Pain Monster.
There was no way that I was going to take this lying down, I just needed to figure out a way to get out of bed. I knew that if I wanted to something to change I needed to focus on the things that I have control over.
I could not force my children to stop waking up at night. So lack of sleep was one factor that I would have to live with until my newborn learned how to sleep more restfully.
What I did have control over was my muscular strength. I knew that if I strengthened my abdominal and spinal muscles in the correct way, I could have a positive impact on my low back pain. I used ice to ease some of the pain I was feeling. I started to strengthen my deep spinal muscles and my abdominal core by doing a very small and simple movement called the “abdominal brace”.
I would pull my belly button towards my spine like I was putting on a pair of pants that was a size too small (to do this correctly you should be able to breath and brace at the same time). I would hold this position for as long as possible and then relax. At first I couldn’t even suck in my belly, I could only pull my upper abdomen towards my spine.
As shocking as this was, I knew it was a result of my abdominal diastasis and extremely weak core. I kept practicing and eventually learned how to brace every time I moved.
This was my first victory over my pain monster. Pulling my belly button towards my spine, even slightly, provided protection for my back and strengthened my core. I eventually mastered the abdominal brace.
I learned how to pull my belly button towards my spine and breathe at the same time. This small movement is really the foundation of any core strengthen program. If you have back pain or if you are looking to strengthen your core, the abdominal brace is a movement you need to master your pain monster.
Chapter 4: Victory Is Mine!
Slowly, my pain began to ease and I was able to further build upon my core strength. I was able to move without pain and determined to prevent my pain monster from coming back to interfere with my life. I worked hard to strengthen by deep abdominal muscles and my core. I even managed to correct my abdominal diastasis.
The realization that I need to keep my body strong and active in the correct way is how I defeated my pain monster. There are times when I stop doing my core strengthening exercises because I am human and life seems to get too busy. But all I need is a quick reminder from the pain monster (who every once and a while likes to jump on my right hip after a long day at work) and I am committed to my abdominal brace once again.
Do you have a pain monster? I would love to hear about your experience and how you are fighting your battle.
Dr. Tamara Berger BA, DC., DAc, Med. is a self professed fitness and nutrition “fanatic”. She is the coach for FPR The Motherhood Series, a strengthening program for women who are pregnant and in their post-partum period. For more info please visit Feeling Pretty Remarkable
Dr. Tamara Berger BA, DC., DAc, Med. is a self professed fitness and nutrition “fanatic”. She is the coach for FPR The Motherhood Series, a strengthening program for women who are pregnant and in their post-partum period. For more info please visit http://www.FeelingPrettyRemarkable.com Feeling Pretty Remarkable
Have you met your pain monster? My most memorable encounter with this hellion came to pass several years ago. I remember it distinctly, it came out of nowhere and it wreaked havoc with my life. Eight months after my second child was born I woke up one morning unable to get out of bed.
Apparently while I was sleeping my pain monster had used my back as a trampoline and left me in a state of what felt like near paralysis. Every movement sent shockwaves of pain into my lower back. I couldn’t move very much, I couldn’t carry my kids, I couldn’t get into or out of my car.
I felt useless and incredibly frustrated. I wanted to move, to play with my kids, to get my work done but it was just not possible. I had been introduced to my pain monster and he made it clear that he was not going to loosen his grip without a fight.
Chapter 2: How Could This Happen?
History has given me perspective. I look back at this time in my life and I know why I ended up with the pain monster literally at my back. I had just given birth to my second child. I had a relatively “sedentary” pregnancy (I had a broken foot) and I ate my way through every fast food restaurant I could fit through the door (stay tuned for the hormone monster story).
I gained at least 50 pounds (I truly stopped counting) and when my second child was born I was determined to return to my active pre-pregnancy lifestyle. As soon as I was able, I returned to my usual fitness routine, which included running, weights and yoga. I felt good despite my lack of sleep and my strength was returning. Little did I realize that I was creating the perfect conditions for the pain monster to thrive.
2 Main Reasons Why I Was Attacked?
1. The physical changes that occur when you are pregnant are immense (I am not just talking about the weight gain). When you are pregnant your joints and ligaments become more flexible which leaves you more prone to injury. For many women the abdominal muscles separate to the point where they are never quite the same.
This separation is known as abdominal diastasis. I had a large diastasis and a slight herniation. I did not take the time to build up my core strength and pelvic floor muscles to a point where they could support a fitness program. This is almost embarrassing to admit, as I should have known better. I was so focused on losing the 50 plus pounds that I had gained that I didn’t realize I needed to SLOW DOWN.
2. I had a newborn and a toddler who where both up at night. I was not getting the sleep I needed for my muscles to repair and recover. Sleep is vital for our survival and I wasn’t getting any. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, my body was not able to recover as quickly as it had with my first child (She was a better sleeper).
Aside from making you feel “good” sleep deprivation has been linked to weight gain, inflammation, chronic pain, mental illness, memory loss, confusion and the list goes on and on.
Chapter 3: Taking A Stan
There was no way that I was going to take this lying down, I just needed to figure out a way to get out of bed. I knew that if I wanted to something to change I needed to focus on the things that I have control over.
I could not force my children to stop waking up at night. So lack of sleep was one factor that I would have to live with until my newborn learned how to sleep more restfully.
What I did have control over was my muscular strength. I knew that if I strengthened my abdominal and spinal muscles in the correct way, I could have a positive impact on my low back pain. I used ice to ease some of the pain I was feeling. I started to strengthen my deep spinal muscles and my abdominal core by doing a very small and simple movement called the “abdominal brace”.
I would pull my belly button towards my spine like I was putting on a pair of pants that was a size too small (to do this correctly you should be able to breath and brace at the same time). I would hold this position for as long as possible and then relax. At first I couldn’t even suck in my belly, I could only pull my upper abdomen towards my spine.
As shocking as this was, I knew it was a result of my abdominal diastasis and extremely weak core. I kept practicing and eventually learned how to brace every time I moved.
This was my first victory over my pain monster. Pulling my belly button towards my spine, even slightly, provided protection for my back and strengthened my core. I eventually mastered the abdominal brace.
I learned how to pull my belly button towards my spine and breathe at the same time. This small movement is really the foundation of any core strengthen program. If you have back pain or if you are looking to strengthen your core, the abdominal brace is a movement you need to master your pain monster.
Chapter 4: Victory Is Mine!
Slowly, my pain began to ease and I was able to further build upon my core strength. I was able to move without pain and determined to prevent my pain monster from coming back to interfere with my life. I worked hard to strengthen by deep abdominal muscles and my core. I even managed to correct my abdominal diastasis.
The realization that I need to keep my body strong and active in the correct way is how I defeated my pain monster. There are times when I stop doing my core strengthening exercises because I am human and life seems to get too busy. But all I need is a quick reminder from the pain monster (who every once and a while likes to jump on my right hip after a long day at work) and I am committed to my abdominal brace once again.
Do you have a pain monster? I would love to hear about your experience and how you are fighting your battle.
Dr. Tamara Berger BA, DC., DAc, Med. is a self professed fitness and nutrition “fanatic”. She is the coach for FPR The Motherhood Series, a strengthening program for women who are pregnant and in their post-partum period. For more info please visit Feeling Pretty Remarkable
Dr. Tamara Berger BA, DC., DAc, Med. is a self professed fitness and nutrition “fanatic”. She is the coach for FPR The Motherhood Series, a strengthening program for women who are pregnant and in their post-partum period. For more info please visit http://www.FeelingPrettyRemarkable.com Feeling Pretty Remarkable
Dr. Tamara Berger

Dr. Tamara Berger BA, DC., DAc, Med. is a self professed fitness and nutrition “fanatic”. She is the coach for FPR The Motherhood Series, a strengthening program for women who are pregnant and in their post-partum period. For more info please visit Feeling Pretty Remarkable
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