7-Keto: How Does This Chemical Compound Help the Body
- By Doyle Christensen
- Published 12/13/2012
- Wellness, Fitness and Diet
- Unrated
Any body who isn’t familiar with 7-Keto will be in shock to learn that it is one of the most powerful agents of nature in terms of improving one’s health. Take a trip to your local health food store and you will learn that there are already numerous pharmaceuticals who are adding 7-Keto in their list of ingredients due to the fact that it has tremendous health benefits for all. More recently, it has found its way in fat-loss supplements. 7-Keto works by summoning more liver enzymes that are responsible for fat digestion. When you take in more calories than you can burn, the natural consequence is that you store the extra calories in the form of fat. With the rising incidence of obesity all throughout the world, one is left to think that people today must take weight management seriously.
A brief introduction to what 7-keto is in order; it will help people who are clueless about what this amazing chemical compound is about. The adrenal glands of the body are primarily the progenitors of another popular compound called DHEA. This compound is later on converted to estrogen or testosterone. On the other hand 7-Keto is a by product of DHEA which skips this conversion phase. The advantage of this is that 7-Keto will not suffer the same fate as estrogen or testosterone which can possibly lead to several side effects. Imagine getting a chemical compound with all the benefits and none of the side effects! This is what makes 7-keto head over shoulders with other food supplements.
It is hard to find fault with 7-Keto what with the b
ulk of scientific research which have shown in vitro that it also contributes in improving the immune response of living cells. The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing has stated that 7-Keto has been tested to increase the immune properties of mice and stabilizing the thyroid hormone levels of the same subjects. If you are still skeptical about this chemical compound, all you need to do is check out the list of other health benefits that 7-Keto is known for. They are as follows:
1. Decrease in blood cholesterol levels
2. Enhances the memory
3. Improves thermogenic activity in the body
4. Anti-aging properties
5. Better muscle development and tone
This list is not exclusive but that is not the point, 7-keto has been found to be a very powerful chemical produced naturally. By using it in controlled amounts, you may be able to reap a wide range of health benefits that other food supplements are still dreaming of as of this writing. While this chemical compound is not the be-all and end-all of supplements, one can’t help buy consider it to be a super supplement! What’s best about this is that since it is all-natural, the risks of side effects are close to nil. For people who are reluctant to take food supplements, this chemical compound may change the way you look at supplementation. Give it a try and see for yourself why millions of people all over the world are using it successfully.
Are you looking for more information on 7-Keto? Visit http://www.vitaminfix.com/think/ today!
Are you looking for more information on 7-Keto? Visit http://www.vitaminfix.com/think/ today!
A brief introduction to what 7-keto is in order; it will help people who are clueless about what this amazing chemical compound is about. The adrenal glands of the body are primarily the progenitors of another popular compound called DHEA. This compound is later on converted to estrogen or testosterone. On the other hand 7-Keto is a by product of DHEA which skips this conversion phase. The advantage of this is that 7-Keto will not suffer the same fate as estrogen or testosterone which can possibly lead to several side effects. Imagine getting a chemical compound with all the benefits and none of the side effects! This is what makes 7-keto head over shoulders with other food supplements.
It is hard to find fault with 7-Keto what with the b
1. Decrease in blood cholesterol levels
2. Enhances the memory
3. Improves thermogenic activity in the body
4. Anti-aging properties
5. Better muscle development and tone
This list is not exclusive but that is not the point, 7-keto has been found to be a very powerful chemical produced naturally. By using it in controlled amounts, you may be able to reap a wide range of health benefits that other food supplements are still dreaming of as of this writing. While this chemical compound is not the be-all and end-all of supplements, one can’t help buy consider it to be a super supplement! What’s best about this is that since it is all-natural, the risks of side effects are close to nil. For people who are reluctant to take food supplements, this chemical compound may change the way you look at supplementation. Give it a try and see for yourself why millions of people all over the world are using it successfully.
Are you looking for more information on 7-Keto? Visit http://www.vitaminfix.com/think/ today!
Are you looking for more information on 7-Keto? Visit http://www.vitaminfix.com/think/ today!
Doyle Christensen

Are you looking for more information on 7-Keto? Visit http://www.vitaminfix.com/think/ today!
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