Alternative medicine has the power to treat many of our most common health concerns. Generations of herbalists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and energy healers have given effective and compassionate care to people all over the world. As modern science continues to scientifically prove the efficacy of these traditional healing practices, more people are inspired to explore what alternative medicine can do for them. However, despite the countless excellent alternative practitioners, there is the possibility that you will encounter one that isn't so excellent.

You may have had a negative experience with a practitioner of conventional Western medicine and chosen to seek out a different provider. The same goes for alternative practitioners; if your instincts are warning you away, pay attention to them.

Watch for Warning Signs

There are a few “red flags” that any informed consumer of alternative medicine should be on the lookout for. Some signs may not show up right away though many of these signals can be spotted the first time you speak with a new practitioner.

You should be cautious of any practitioner that promises a miracle cure. Treating even common and straightforward health concerns isn't always a simple matter; even conventional medicine cannot cure certain common complaints, only help patients manage them over the long term. There have been a few unscrupulous alternative medicine providers who claim to cure cancer, HIV/AIDS, schizophrenia, arthritis, and other complex problems through a series of expensive treatments that they claim can only be provided by them.

Another warning sign is being told that your treatment can be completed in a certain number of visits. That is, if you are told that your health concern can be fully resolved in three or thirty visits, consider looking elsewhere. No one can say for certain how long your concern will take to resolve. Depending on the nature of your health concern and the kind of treatment you
're receiving, you may see results right away or after a number of sessions. Some alternative providers make treatment packages available to the people they treat; this can be a good way to save some money and still be assured of receiving the treatment you want, though be wary if that treatment package is advertised as completely curing what ails you by a certain deadline.

Speak Up for Yourself

It's your right to receive the medical treatment you want. Patients of conventional medical doctors have the right to ask for a second opinion before agreeing to any course of treatment; similarly, if you feel your conventional doctor isn't providing you with the correct care, you can look elsewhere for treatment. You have the same rights with regards to alternative providers. If you have a bad feeling about a provider or are suspicious of the claims their making, you can ask for another opinion. Don't be discouraged from seeking out another herbalist, yoga instructor, or practitioner of Chinese medicine before receiving treatment. It really is okay to say 'no' and come back another time.

Power Over Your Health

You are the only person who has control over the choices made with regards to your health. You deserve to be free to make those choices without undue pressure or coercion. If you have concerns or questions about the alternative medicine practiced by a particular provider, ask questions. Do some independent research and talk to other people who have visited similar providers. By becoming an informed consumer of alternative medicine, you'll be able to get the most out of your preferred treatments.

Lawrence Reaves writes for Solstice Medicine Company, an online retailer that offers a selection of Chinese medicines that can help with problems such as allergies, muscle pain, and the common cold. For more information on Chinese medicine click here.

Lawrence Reaves writes for Solstice Medicine Company, an online retailer that offers a selection of Chinese medicines that can help with problem such as allergies, muscle pain, and the common cold. For more information on Chinese medicine visit