Is Your Slow Thyroid Gland Stopping Your Weight Loss?
- By Richard Lipman
- Published 12/15/2012
- Wellness, Fitness and Diet
- Unrated
Whenever it comes to reducing your weight everybody places blame their thyroid gland first of all. They run to their physician and have their thyroid gland checked out. As soon as it comes back normal or actually a little high they are quick to write off idea that the thyroid gland is a cause of their own trouble. Nevertheless, time and time again its been verified that one can easily have a sluggish fat burning capacity and difficulty losing weight simply due to a borderline or lower than normal thyroid level. Many dieters and even doctors do not understand that merely a very small impairment of thyroid gland function can significantly slow fat burning capacity.
Why is Your Thyroid Gland so Important?
Of all of your endocrine glands, no doubt, the thyroid is the controller and regulator of the metabolic processes of every cell in the body. High function leads to faster metabolic rate and slow function to a slowing down of function and metabolic rate.
Just What is the Normal and Abnormal Thyroid Gland Test?
The gold standard thyroid examination is definitely the thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH. TSH is made in the anterior pituitary gland of our bodies and is produced in reaction to the amount of thyroid in the blood. A higher TSH amount indicates a lower thyroid gland while a reduced to normal TSH suggests a normal to higher functioning thyroid. The standard reference range of TSH was set up to be 0.5 units to 4.5 units.
A guide range is developed by taking a large group of men and women in the human population, calculating their TSH amounts, and figuring out an average value. Supposedly, these men and women should be totally free of thyroid disease. What professionals are now coming to recognize, however, is that the higher range in the TSH normal guide range has contained men and women who actually hav
e moderate or developing thyroid ailment, and their higher TSH levels skewed the standard curve.
Precisely What Are the New Normal TSH Ranges?
This led to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the Academy of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), to state that any individual with a TSH greater than 2.6 units will be considered to have a low thyroid function.
What Does All of This Mean to Me If I Have Trouble Losing Weight?
AACE estimates that the new guidelines actually double the number of people who have abnormal thyroid function, bringing the total to as many as 27 million, up from 13 million thought to have the condition under the old guidelines. These new reports would make thyroid gland disorder the commonest endocrine system disorder in America, far outpacing diabetes. So if you are having difficulty with your excess weight, re-check your TSH-level. If your level is 2.6 units or greater, you most likely have a sluggish thyroid gland which can be the explanation of much of your weight loss difficulty.
Its an easy examination that any physician or lab can perform. It will save you plenty of worry and make your weight loss so much easier.
Richard Lipman M.D, board certified endocrinologist, internist & weight loss expert has treated tens of thousands of adults, children and families with weight & metabolic disorders. He is the author 4 new diet books including New Pounds & Inches at
Dr Richard Lipman MD, is a board certified internist and endocrinologist. In his office in Miami, Florida he has diagnosed more than twenty-five,000 people with metabolic and bodyweight difficulties. He is the author of over 20 medical journal articles and five e-books on metabolic processes and bodyweight loss. He relates his latest experience treating countless numbers of patients with the HCG diet in his new book, New Pounds and Inches which is available at his web site,
Why is Your Thyroid Gland so Important?
Of all of your endocrine glands, no doubt, the thyroid is the controller and regulator of the metabolic processes of every cell in the body. High function leads to faster metabolic rate and slow function to a slowing down of function and metabolic rate.
Just What is the Normal and Abnormal Thyroid Gland Test?
The gold standard thyroid examination is definitely the thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH. TSH is made in the anterior pituitary gland of our bodies and is produced in reaction to the amount of thyroid in the blood. A higher TSH amount indicates a lower thyroid gland while a reduced to normal TSH suggests a normal to higher functioning thyroid. The standard reference range of TSH was set up to be 0.5 units to 4.5 units.
A guide range is developed by taking a large group of men and women in the human population, calculating their TSH amounts, and figuring out an average value. Supposedly, these men and women should be totally free of thyroid disease. What professionals are now coming to recognize, however, is that the higher range in the TSH normal guide range has contained men and women who actually hav
Precisely What Are the New Normal TSH Ranges?
This led to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the Academy of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), to state that any individual with a TSH greater than 2.6 units will be considered to have a low thyroid function.
What Does All of This Mean to Me If I Have Trouble Losing Weight?
AACE estimates that the new guidelines actually double the number of people who have abnormal thyroid function, bringing the total to as many as 27 million, up from 13 million thought to have the condition under the old guidelines. These new reports would make thyroid gland disorder the commonest endocrine system disorder in America, far outpacing diabetes. So if you are having difficulty with your excess weight, re-check your TSH-level. If your level is 2.6 units or greater, you most likely have a sluggish thyroid gland which can be the explanation of much of your weight loss difficulty.
Its an easy examination that any physician or lab can perform. It will save you plenty of worry and make your weight loss so much easier.
Richard Lipman M.D, board certified endocrinologist, internist & weight loss expert has treated tens of thousands of adults, children and families with weight & metabolic disorders. He is the author 4 new diet books including New Pounds & Inches at
Dr Richard Lipman MD, is a board certified internist and endocrinologist. In his office in Miami, Florida he has diagnosed more than twenty-five,000 people with metabolic and bodyweight difficulties. He is the author of over 20 medical journal articles and five e-books on metabolic processes and bodyweight loss. He relates his latest experience treating countless numbers of patients with the HCG diet in his new book, New Pounds and Inches which is available at his web site,
Richard Lipman

Richard Lipman M.D, board certified endocrinologist, internist & weight loss expert has treated tens of thousands of adults, children and families with weight & metabolic disorders. He is the author 4 new diet books including New Pounds & Inches at
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