How to Use Running to Stay Fit and Lose Weight
- By Bell G Smith
- Published 12/15/2012
- Wellness, Fitness and Diet
- Unrated
One of the simple but highly effective exercises that can help you lose weight and stay fit is running. Running and jogging regularly improves your general physical condition and it also gives you some other health benefits which include the following:
1-Running and jogging makes your heart very strong; it improves the efficiency of your blood circulatory system and your respiratory system.
2-It speeds up the rate of digestion of food in your bowels thus making you less prone to constipation and other digestive problems.
3-This form of simple exercise causes your body to burn fat and to use up more calories thus ultimately resulting in significant weight loss. If you expend more calories in exercise than the calories that you consume, you are bound to lose weight. Running is particularly good at burning stubborn belly fat.
4-This form of exercise also helps to improve your appetite; you are working hard and you will need to refuel and repair your muscles. Even though it is important that you burn more calories than what you are eating during exercise you have to be careful not to create a calorie deficit that is more than 1000 calories.
5-Jogging and running also makes you have better quality sleep and stronger bones and muscles.
So, what are the steps that you need to take to develop a good running plan?
Step one-Try to enjoy running
Running helps to relieve mental stress and you will experience a sense of refreshing when you run especially, when you run outdoors. So see running as a way of stimulating mental joy and not just as means of exercise.
Step two-Plan your running sessions
Start your runn
ing sessions at a slow pace for some few minutes to warm up and then gradually increase your pace to a level where you are comfortable with. From here you can now start pushing yourself to higher rates gradually; you will need to time your runs over some fixed distances to properly time yourself and monitor your progress.
Step three-Stretch your muscles after each running session
It is a very good practice to stretch your muscles for about three to four minutes after each jogging session; wait for some few minutes after you complete your running session to catch your breath and relax before you stretch your muscles.
Step four-Plan your running routine
If you are not engaged in any other weight reducing exercises then you must have a running session everyday but if you are engaged in some other weight reducing exercise routines you might not need to have more than two running sessions in a week.Also eat lightly before each session so that you do not get tired easily.
Step Five-Run barefoot occasionally
You can run barefoot on the beach occasionally to reduce the risk of serious injuries and to lose more excess body fat more efficiently.
Step Six-Combine running with other simple free exercises
You can combine running with other free exercises to be able to trim down your body fast so that you do not get discouraged.
Final step- Click the links in the resource box below to download the truth about six pack exercise and diet program to learn more about other simple exercises that you can combine with running to trim your body properly.
Click hereto download a free fat burning report by a the truth about six pack abs diet program. Also click here to sign up for the free 21 day trial use of the truth about six pack abs.
1-Running and jogging makes your heart very strong; it improves the efficiency of your blood circulatory system and your respiratory system.
2-It speeds up the rate of digestion of food in your bowels thus making you less prone to constipation and other digestive problems.
3-This form of simple exercise causes your body to burn fat and to use up more calories thus ultimately resulting in significant weight loss. If you expend more calories in exercise than the calories that you consume, you are bound to lose weight. Running is particularly good at burning stubborn belly fat.
4-This form of exercise also helps to improve your appetite; you are working hard and you will need to refuel and repair your muscles. Even though it is important that you burn more calories than what you are eating during exercise you have to be careful not to create a calorie deficit that is more than 1000 calories.
5-Jogging and running also makes you have better quality sleep and stronger bones and muscles.
So, what are the steps that you need to take to develop a good running plan?
Step one-Try to enjoy running
Running helps to relieve mental stress and you will experience a sense of refreshing when you run especially, when you run outdoors. So see running as a way of stimulating mental joy and not just as means of exercise.
Step two-Plan your running sessions
Start your runn
Step three-Stretch your muscles after each running session
It is a very good practice to stretch your muscles for about three to four minutes after each jogging session; wait for some few minutes after you complete your running session to catch your breath and relax before you stretch your muscles.
Step four-Plan your running routine
If you are not engaged in any other weight reducing exercises then you must have a running session everyday but if you are engaged in some other weight reducing exercise routines you might not need to have more than two running sessions in a week.Also eat lightly before each session so that you do not get tired easily.
Step Five-Run barefoot occasionally
You can run barefoot on the beach occasionally to reduce the risk of serious injuries and to lose more excess body fat more efficiently.
Step Six-Combine running with other simple free exercises
You can combine running with other free exercises to be able to trim down your body fast so that you do not get discouraged.
Final step- Click the links in the resource box below to download the truth about six pack exercise and diet program to learn more about other simple exercises that you can combine with running to trim your body properly.
Click hereto download a free fat burning report by a the truth about six pack abs diet program. Also click here to sign up for the free 21 day trial use of the truth about six pack abs.
Bell G Smith

Click hereto download a free fat burning report by a the truth about six pack abs diet program. Also click here to sign up for the free 21 day trial use of the truth about six pack abs.
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