The Basics of Fitness With Lafayette Boot Camps
- By Adaleya Johnson
- Published 12/16/2012
- Wellness, Fitness and Diet
- Unrated
Paying attention to your fitness needs, is the most important thing you can do to be healthy. A body in top shape can fight off diseases and other health disorders better than an unfit one can, among other things. Fitness is also important no matter what age you are, in fact it becomes increasingly more so the older you get. That’s why many Lafayette boot camps can help you to achieve the body of your dreams.
How Much Exercise is Recommended
Adults should get about 2 1/2 hours of aerobic activity a week. Additionally, adults are advised to get at least 2 sessions of strength training each week, which can easily be accomplished at several Lafayette boot camps.
Benefits of Exercise
Exercise, like the ones found at several Lafayette boot camps, helps you build strong muscles and bones, have weight control, lower your chance of heart problems. Always check with your doctor when first starting any new exercise program. You want to make sure your body can handle the type of physical activity you are going to participate.
Ask a Professional for Help
If you are not sure how to put your own fitness program together, ask a professional to help you. Most gyms have qualified trainers on staff today who can help you get started on your way, or tell you how to improve your existing workout routine.
Start Slowly
Make sure to increase your activity slowly over the weeks, instead of starting too fast in the beginning. This will keep the chance of injury down. In addition, choose activities you enjoy doing as much as possible. Participating in sports or other activities you have fun doing is a great way to stay on track with your exercising. You will still need to work in your strength training two days a week.
Nutrition is another part of fitness. You must eat protein and carbohydrates along with other types o
f food to be healthy. Protein is what builds strong muscles. Carbohydrates provide you the energy necessary for your workouts.
It is not just at mealtime you have to worry about nutrients. You have to replenish your body after each workout on top of your meals. A simple glass of chocolate milk has been proven to provide the extra boost of protein and carbohydrates needed for this.
Stay Hydrated
Keep your body hydrated throughout your day and your workouts. Typically, you need about 48 to 64 ounces of water daily. When you workout you might need a bit more depending on how much you sweat. In place of some of your water, you can drink sports drinks that replace precious electrolytes that are lost through sweating.
Things to Stay Away From for the Sake of Fitness
Do not drink alcoholic beverages excessively. These are not healthy for your liver of body. And occasional alcoholic beverage is fine, but to overindulge can be hard on your overall wellbeing.
Stay away from smoking cigarettes. These make your breathing more labored, which can limit your oxygen supply. Smoking can lead to vitamins being depleted in your system and even cancer.
Follow the advice above and you will be well on your way to attaining an effective level of fitness with any of the Lafayette boot camps available. You only have one body for you to live in you must take care of it. A body that is not fit at any age will lead you many health problems, some can be debilitating and others can even kill you. This means you need to always work on being fit and healthy your whole life.
Adaleya Johnson has the #1 Lafayette boot camps and has been helping Lafayette clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his Lafayette boot camps here.
Adaleya Johnson has the #1 Lafayette boot camps and has been helping Lafayette clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his Lafayette boot camps here.
How Much Exercise is Recommended
Adults should get about 2 1/2 hours of aerobic activity a week. Additionally, adults are advised to get at least 2 sessions of strength training each week, which can easily be accomplished at several Lafayette boot camps.
Benefits of Exercise
Exercise, like the ones found at several Lafayette boot camps, helps you build strong muscles and bones, have weight control, lower your chance of heart problems. Always check with your doctor when first starting any new exercise program. You want to make sure your body can handle the type of physical activity you are going to participate.
Ask a Professional for Help
If you are not sure how to put your own fitness program together, ask a professional to help you. Most gyms have qualified trainers on staff today who can help you get started on your way, or tell you how to improve your existing workout routine.
Start Slowly
Make sure to increase your activity slowly over the weeks, instead of starting too fast in the beginning. This will keep the chance of injury down. In addition, choose activities you enjoy doing as much as possible. Participating in sports or other activities you have fun doing is a great way to stay on track with your exercising. You will still need to work in your strength training two days a week.
Nutrition is another part of fitness. You must eat protein and carbohydrates along with other types o
It is not just at mealtime you have to worry about nutrients. You have to replenish your body after each workout on top of your meals. A simple glass of chocolate milk has been proven to provide the extra boost of protein and carbohydrates needed for this.
Stay Hydrated
Keep your body hydrated throughout your day and your workouts. Typically, you need about 48 to 64 ounces of water daily. When you workout you might need a bit more depending on how much you sweat. In place of some of your water, you can drink sports drinks that replace precious electrolytes that are lost through sweating.
Things to Stay Away From for the Sake of Fitness
Do not drink alcoholic beverages excessively. These are not healthy for your liver of body. And occasional alcoholic beverage is fine, but to overindulge can be hard on your overall wellbeing.
Stay away from smoking cigarettes. These make your breathing more labored, which can limit your oxygen supply. Smoking can lead to vitamins being depleted in your system and even cancer.
Follow the advice above and you will be well on your way to attaining an effective level of fitness with any of the Lafayette boot camps available. You only have one body for you to live in you must take care of it. A body that is not fit at any age will lead you many health problems, some can be debilitating and others can even kill you. This means you need to always work on being fit and healthy your whole life.
Adaleya Johnson has the #1 Lafayette boot camps and has been helping Lafayette clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his Lafayette boot camps here.
Adaleya Johnson has the #1 Lafayette boot camps and has been helping Lafayette clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his Lafayette boot camps here.
Adaleya Johnson

Adaleya Johnson has the #1 Lafayette boot camps and has been helping Lafayette clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his Lafayette boot camps here.
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