The short-term cabbage soup diet became known back in the 1980s but the name of the founder is not established. This is a restrictive diet that is low in fat and calories. Users need to religiously follow this meal plan which consists chiefly of water, a piece of fruit, a piece of vegetable and cabbage soup. They lose weight fast although it is mainly excess water weight. This diet must be followed from seven to ten consecutive days only. It is sodium-enriched and has very minimal amount of protein that followers become light-headed.

When compared to the cabbage soup diet, the creator of the Diet Solution Program is known and she is Ms Isabel de los Rios, a top nutritionist and exercise specialist in the U.S. This program is endorsed by a reputable sports nutrition doctor, Eric Serrano.

If the cabbage soup diet restricts many kinds of food, the Diet Solution Program allows followers to eat plenty of palatable foods. What is good about this system is that calories are not counted unlike other fad diets that limit calorie intake thus leaving followers starving most of the time and making them lack nutrients the body needs. The Diet Solution Program was formulated for the body to burn fat through fat-burning foods identified. It makes one feel more energetic, stronger, livelier and healthier.

When a follower enrolls in the Diet Solution Program, he or she does not need to fret about the kind of foods to be consumed. This diet book already has many meal plans in it thus eliminating the hard work of looking for fat-burning recipes. The ingredients indicated will make followers go to local health stores to buy all-n
atural, additive-free and organic food. Although these may be expensive, they are still a practical choice because followers will eat less thus saving more food for the next meal time.

The meal plans in the Diet Solution Program come in many varieties for followers to choose from. Ms De los Rios does not force every dieter to adhere to the same diet always. She provides healthy foods that are low in calories and high in nutrition. As compared to the cabbage soup diet, the Diet Solution Program allows users to select the meal plan they want.

The Diet Solution Program does not at all recommend starvation but advises dieters to take five small meals every day instead of just one to two meals only. This is the mistake of many crash diets where dieters skip meals which make them have a slow metabolism thus fats and calories cannot be burned quickly. Because the diet recommends more fresh fruits and vegetables, the body takes in more fiber which makes a person feel full.

Anyone can follow the Diet Solution Program because of its safety. Those with hypertension and diabetes can use this system because the program was created to make Ms De los Rios avoid diabetes type 2. Young or old, men or women and healthy or not, anybody can use this weight loss program and lose extra pounds in their bodies immediately.

If the cabbage soup diet is not nutritionally balanced and encourages temporary weight loss, the Diet Solution Program is based on a balanced diet and achieves permanent weight reduction.

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