If you fail to plan your weight loss program very well, then you are planning to fail.

So many people start off different weight loss and diet plans each year but give up after a month or two because they claim that their program has "failed" them.

However, if you look at most of these "failed" attempts closely, you will discover that the reason why most of them failed to get their desired weight loss goals is because they simply did not prepare well enough.

In this article we shall be looking at a strategy that you can use to successfully plan and prepare for your weight loss program; this strategy is known as the SMART strategy and the different components of this strategy are outlined below:

S- Have specific goals

You must have specific goals that you want to achieve with your program; you might want to feel healthy and fit again; you might also aim to fit into your former favourite clothes again. Set your measurable goals and write them down.

M-Have measurable goals

You must have measurable goals; you must define the exact amount of extra body fat that you aim to lose. For example you might target to lose 10 pounds. Set your measurable goals and write them down.

A-Take action

You must take action to change your diet and lifestyle. You must actually eat a low glycaemic index diet which cuts off the consumption of junk food; sugar based snacks like cookies, candy, soda, and cakes.

Plan your meals well ahead of time; plan your breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals in accordance with the diet rules laid out in the program that you are using. Drink lots of water and also drink some tea and coffee.

Make sure that you get up and do your exercises; mere sitting down and saying that you will do exercises will only lead to failure. Do not allow
excuses deter you from doing your exercises because there will always be one form of excuse or the other that your circumstances will bring up to stop you from exercising every day.

It is not the intensity nor the type of exercise that you do that determines your success, it is your consistency that determines your success.

R- Set realistic goals

Do not set goals that you will not be able to achieve, as this will only lead to discouragement; for an average overweight woman or man, you should target to lose 10 pounds but if you are obese you should target to lose 100 pounds.

T-Set a time limit

Decide the time frame within which you want to achieve your desired targets. Know your current weight and determine the amount of excess weight that you want to shed within a given time frame.

If you set to lose an average of 1 pound of extra weight every week, you would lose 10 pounds of extra weight within 10 weeks; if you set to lose an average of 2 pounds per week then you would lose 10 pounds within 5 weeks.

To lose an average of 1 pound per week, you have to either consume 500 calories less than what your body needs or you would have to burn 250 calories through exercise and eat 250 calories less than what your body needs.

If you want to lose an average of 2 pounds per week, you have to create a daily negative calorie balance of 1000 calories either through diet alone or through diet and exercise.

You have to plan and prepare very well to lose weight successfully with your diet plan so, you can click here to download one of these two highly successful weight loss diets to learn more about how you can be successful with your weight loss plans.

You have to plan and prepare very well to lose weight successfully with your diet plan so, you can http://www.losewieghtarena.blogspot.com click here to download one of http://www.losewieghtarena.blogspot.com these two highly successful weight loss diets to learn more about how you can be successful with your weight loss plans.