It is simple, really, how to become a healthy eater. All you need to do is to make sure that you are eating a balanced diet and that you are getting all the nutrients you need from the foods that you eat. Many benefits await those who eat healthy, to wit, longer lives, better mental health and even weight control.

But all over the web, there are hundreds of different diet plans and programs that will confuse even the most mentally healthy person. Some plan says that too much carbohydrate is only good if you want fats around your tummy, while some other plan says too much protein is good only if you want to be buried in muscles. What is true and what isn't? Most importantly, what will help you on how to become a healthy eater?

1. Fruits and veggies. Vegetarians are very easily linked to healthy eating. However, vegetarians aren't the only healthy eating people in the world. Even a nice, small serving of the right fruits and vegetables everyday can help you on your way to eating healthy, because of the wide range of nutrients and vitamins that you can get from them.

2. Drink, drink, drink. Natural fruit juices and milk can be very tasty treats, but don’t forget that you still need 8-10 glasses of water every day so that you don’t get dehydrated. Alcoholic, sugary and fizzy drinks should be avoided when possible.

3. Good fats. People read ‘fats’ and instantly think how on earth they could be good. Saturated fats and trans fats aren
't good for you. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are good. You get bad fats from too much fast food because they make use of extremely high amounts of butter, palm oils, coconut oils, stick margarines, and vegetable shortening. Olive, sunflower, canola, sesame, corn and soybean oils makes up the good fats and can make up delicious dishes too. Avocados, certain nuts, peanut butter, fatty fish, tofu and soymilk have good fats too.

4. Giving in. Most diets don’t work because of one, logical reason: they limit you. People, in general, do not like to be restricted especially when it comes to the food they eat. Indulge, every once in a while, say once every week. Reward yourself for a job well done. Eat a serving of ice cream and mix in some fruit chunks. Eat your favorite food and turn it to a healthy meal or snack.

Lastly, remember that not one factor can instantly constitute to being and eating healthy. If you have excess weight, it doesn’t mean that you are an unhealthy eater. In contrast, if you eat only fruits and vegetables, it doesn’t mean that you are a healthy eater. Healthy eating is quite subjective. On how to become a healthy eater, you may feel that you already are a healthy eater even when another says that you are not. In the end, what matters is what you think and how you feel about your health and body.

If you are looking for information on how to become a healthy eater, click on the link. Or visit

If you are looking for information on how to become a healthy eater, click on the link. Or visit