Fast Ways To Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast?
- By Star Smith
- Published 02/28/2008
- Wellness, Fitness and Diet
- Unrated
Here’s where you’re at right now. You’ve got an upcoming event that you need to look good for and instead of being happy, you’re worrying about being able to squeeze into a new dress, nice suit, hot pair of jeans, or (gasp!) a bathing suit.
It doesn’t matter why you need to lose the weight rapidly, because the task now is finding the best way for you to accomplish this goal. First of all, I applaud you for resisting the obvious choice:
Diet pills.
I’m sure you’ve seen the diet pill pushers latest ads touting how many pounds you can lose with ease if you just take these little pills . . .
Right. With all the pills they sell every month, you’d think that everybody who took them would be slim as a pole and would never have to struggle with their weight again. But for some reason, obesity is worse than ever, in spite of their miracle pills.
Unfortunately, many people still turn to this desperate solution for quick weight loss.
Another fast weight loss gem is the old cabbage soup diet. This one has you choking down lots of bitter tasting soup until you can barely stand it anymore. I mean, do you even wanna eat that much cabbage?
The sacrifice to your sanity and physical health for short term gain is supposed to make it all worthwhile. Again, eating tons of cabbage soup will cause you to lose some weight (mostly water), but you’ll be so darn cranky and miserable that you probably won’t be good company. Besides, you’ll gain it all back as quickly as you lost it.
Okay, so what diet do you go on aft
er the cabbage soup experiment fails?
Hmmm. What is this fat loss for idiots diet that’s making the rounds?
It’s a diet plan that claims you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days if you follow their instructions. The truth about this plan is that while many people do, in fact, lose weight, most do not lose weight as rapidly as they claim. This may be causing some people to give up and feel like failures for not hitting that golden 9 pound mark.
Being told that you’re an idiot, well, that’s a nice compliment, isn’t it?
Many people feel that a low carb diet is the best route to achieving fast, healthy weight loss, but there are some experts who think that cutting out too many carbs can be harmful. Getting enough nutrition while dieting is an important factor to consider when going on a fast track plan.
If you are in the market to buy cheap fast weight loss diet plan, then realize that your health and safety are the most important thing – losing the pounds is second. What I mean is that some people are willing to risk their health in order to drop pounds quickly.
Remember that you not only want to lose weight, but you also want your whole body to be fit and healthy. Ignore those ads that claim you will lose weight while you sleep, etc. Pills are dangerous and so is starvation.
I think you’re smart enough to figure out that quickly losing weight involves eating healthier foods more frequently and throwing in some moderate exercise. If you can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink more water and walk around the block once a day, you should be able to reach your goal pretty easily.
So, congratulations for the new you that is about to emerge!
It doesn’t matter why you need to lose the weight rapidly, because the task now is finding the best way for you to accomplish this goal. First of all, I applaud you for resisting the obvious choice:
Diet pills.
I’m sure you’ve seen the diet pill pushers latest ads touting how many pounds you can lose with ease if you just take these little pills . . .
Right. With all the pills they sell every month, you’d think that everybody who took them would be slim as a pole and would never have to struggle with their weight again. But for some reason, obesity is worse than ever, in spite of their miracle pills.
Unfortunately, many people still turn to this desperate solution for quick weight loss.
Another fast weight loss gem is the old cabbage soup diet. This one has you choking down lots of bitter tasting soup until you can barely stand it anymore. I mean, do you even wanna eat that much cabbage?
The sacrifice to your sanity and physical health for short term gain is supposed to make it all worthwhile. Again, eating tons of cabbage soup will cause you to lose some weight (mostly water), but you’ll be so darn cranky and miserable that you probably won’t be good company. Besides, you’ll gain it all back as quickly as you lost it.
Okay, so what diet do you go on aft
Hmmm. What is this fat loss for idiots diet that’s making the rounds?
It’s a diet plan that claims you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days if you follow their instructions. The truth about this plan is that while many people do, in fact, lose weight, most do not lose weight as rapidly as they claim. This may be causing some people to give up and feel like failures for not hitting that golden 9 pound mark.
Being told that you’re an idiot, well, that’s a nice compliment, isn’t it?
Many people feel that a low carb diet is the best route to achieving fast, healthy weight loss, but there are some experts who think that cutting out too many carbs can be harmful. Getting enough nutrition while dieting is an important factor to consider when going on a fast track plan.
If you are in the market to buy cheap fast weight loss diet plan, then realize that your health and safety are the most important thing – losing the pounds is second. What I mean is that some people are willing to risk their health in order to drop pounds quickly.
Remember that you not only want to lose weight, but you also want your whole body to be fit and healthy. Ignore those ads that claim you will lose weight while you sleep, etc. Pills are dangerous and so is starvation.
I think you’re smart enough to figure out that quickly losing weight involves eating healthier foods more frequently and throwing in some moderate exercise. If you can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink more water and walk around the block once a day, you should be able to reach your goal pretty easily.
So, congratulations for the new you that is about to emerge!
Star Smith

Kick those fad diets to the curb! A registered dietitian reveals the absolutely best way to lose 15 pounds in 30 days. Women: lose a dress size, Men: lose that gut.
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