Traditionally, breathing exercises were used for relaxation. It was seen as a technique of reducing anxiety and stress. But this ancient art has been reinvented in body building, as an important component of muscle development and toning workouts.

Before undertaking intense body building workouts, a simple breathing exercise helps optimize results. Serious body builders always observe their breathing rhythm and intensity. As a worm up to the harder exercises, just breathe in and out normally and so as to observe your body activities such as rising and falling of the belly or upper chest. Restricted breathing resulting from clothing, posture or emotions is unhealthy during body building workouts. Breathing should be regular and relatively steady at an average rate of 10 to 16 times per minute.

After monitoring breathing rhythm and intensity, get in a comfortable lying, sitting or standing position while maintaining the back straight and relaxed. Conscious control of breathing style must incorporate a slow, deep intake, which expands the lungs fully. Keep watching the navel area as it rises upward or outward as far as it possibly can.

Exhale gradually imagining the navel area sinking towards the backbone. During exhaling, always empty out the lungs completely and the gradually relax before beginning to draw in the next bout of air. This should be done slowly for several times being careful not to do it too fast, to prevent hyperventilation.
exercises should be done at least before each body building workout because it is very a good relaxation and muscle freshness initiator.

It is always advisable and beneficial to do exercises in the a place with adequate fresh air, to ensure the body is constantly supplied with necessary oxygen during the intense burnouts of a body building workout.

During the actual workout especially while lifting heavy weights, ensure you inhale through the nose to fill the lungs maximally while counting one to ten. You should be conscious of the belly as it moves out and the lungs as they expand from the bottom up. This is done by consistently holding the breath for a count of seven especially between the major weight training. While inhaling and holding the breath momentarily, the tip of the tongue should be placed on the front of the mouth roof, right above the teeth. This creates enough room in the mouth for the air.

Though air should be inhaled through the nose, exhaling should optimally be through the mouth to the count of eight. To help achieve a complete overhaul of the lungs contents, make a whirling sound as air is exhaled.

Fat combustion and synthesis of energy during workouts is greatly improved by breathing exercises. Repeated over a short duration, a body builder learns to appreciate the immense benefits of a correct breathing pattern during body building.

It is not only a good energizer at the beginning of a tough workout but also a crucial plus in developing and toning the muscles themselves. Breath in and breath out well for productive bodybuilding.