You already know how important first aid can be to provide initial treatment in case of accidents or falling ill. In addition to your knowledge having a well stocked first aid kit can prove to be extremely useful.

You can either purchase readymade kits from stores or can make one to include all the list of medicines as approved by the Red Cross. Alternatively you customize a kit to suit your own particular needs.

The following 5 steps will guide you build a first aid kit for yourself.

• Container: You must choose a suitably sized sturdy plastic container which must be waterproof to protect its contents should it get wet. Choose one that will keep your medical supplies secure and which can be opened easily. Alternatively you can also purchase a water resistant pouch to make your kit.

• Standard Supplies: There are certain standard medical supplies that your first aid kit must contain without fail. These include cotton, medical tape and self-adhesive bandages in different sizes. You must also have an antiseptic and an ointment for treating burns. Next your kit must have a thermometer, tweezers and a pair of scissors. Don’t forget to add gloves and face masks which can be very useful in case of more serious injuries.

• Special Medicines: You can stock your kit with commonly used medicines for conditions such as fever, diarrhea, pain killers, cold and even antacids if you need them. To your first aid kit you can also add the speci
fic medications that address particular health conditions that you or your family members might have. For example medications for blood pressure, diabetes and asthma are be required urgently in certain situations and should be included if you are suffering from any such ailment.

• Notes: You can also add a few notes to your first aid kit. These notes must contain emergency numbers so you can call for help during problems of a more serious nature. You should also make a note if you or a family member has allergies to certain medicines. Writing down such information will help in better recall as you are liable to forget such crucial details when faced with an emergency. You can also include an instruction manual so you will know the medicines to use in particular situations.

• Size of the Kit: A full size first aid kit containing a comprehensive list of supplies is generally recommended. But for practical purposes you can have a larger kit at home while smaller and more portable ones can be kept in your car. You may also keep a mini kit in your bag at all times if you travel often or are prone to certain health conditions.

Remember to periodically check the contents of your first aid kit to remove expired medications and replace them with fresh supplies so that all the contents of your kit are usable whenever required. Also note that according to the Red Cross you must have enough medical supplies in your kit to last you for a period of seven days.

For more information, please visit our first aid website.

For more information, please visit our first aid website.