Healthcare facilities who comply with the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) are granted accreditation by the Joint Commission; till date this body has evaluated thousands of such organizations throughout the country. The below mentioned steps will ensure compliance with the NPSG which will help the organization to earn accreditation as well as maintain it.

• Appoint a Team Leader: The Joint Commission issues NPSG each year, depending on the nature of such goals one or more of them should be assigned to each team leader. The responsibilities of the leader will include getting a team together and planning out the methods to achieve their particular goals. Regular meetings should be conducted to make sure the implementation is in line with the plan.

• Meeting Targets: In addition to prescribing goals the Joint Commission also states the targets that should be met for each goal. The teams have to thus ensure that compliance is higher or at least equal to such thresholds. Any shortfall noticed during the meetings must be addressed immediately to get back on track.

• Staff Training: The personnel working within the healthcare facility have to be educated about the NPSG. Training must be conducted periodically in each of the departments or in the patient care areas so that besides being aware of the goals the staff gets access to the latest information.

• Assessment: An internal method of assessment where the designated teams assess the staff for meeting the goals is a must to ensure compliance. The team should observe the staff when they are dispensing their duties and also ask question
s directly, the findings must be properly recorded. Such collected data will reveal any discrepancies and allow the teams to modify the plan or the training methods so that the intended targets can be met. Furthermore the proper clinical documentation should be maintained as the same has to be submitted to the Joint Commission as proof of compliance.

• Readiness: In addition to the assessment conducted internally the healthcare facilities are also subjected to surveys by the members of the Joint Commission. Since such surveys may be carried out without prior intimation it is essential that the staff and team leaders ensure constant readiness by following the correct procedure and keeping the records up-to-date at all times.

There are several benefits of NPSG for all the parties involved. Besides the patient who will have a safer environment while undergoing treatment, the goals are advantageous to the healthcare organizations as well. The Patient Safety Advisory Group is represented by members of such organizations so in addition to participation the facilities can benefit from a wider pool of knowledge, which in turn will help to improve their services.

The NPSG are updated every year and may be suitably modified according to the nature of the organization, for example the goals for a hospital may be slightly different from those of a laboratory. In addition the amount of time and training required for compliance with the goals will also depend on the size and facilities offered at the particular organization.

For more information, please visit our national patient safety goals website.

For more information, please visit our national patient safety goals website