There have been a lot of weight loss fads passing through the past couple of years, but juicing has not been one of them. While most people now know that you cannot take an Acai berry pill and instantly flush the body of all stored fat, most also know that juicing is a legitimate lifestyle for those interested in living as healthy as possible when in conjunction with a Concord boot camp. Yet, there are still some who question whether this lifestyle can really be healthy. Are juicers taking it to the extreme, or is this a way you could lose weight and stay healthy in the future?

The simple answer is yes and no. While there are some who will take juicing to an unhealthy extreme, says a Concord boot camp trainer, the majority of juicers are living an extremely healthy lifestyle. There is no question that some juicers may have a more restrictive diet than is common with most people today, but that is because the average diet for the non-juicer is so extravagant and incredibly unhealthy.

Just like anything else in life, juicing can be incredibly healthy or incredibly unhealthy. The trick is to understand the advantages of juicing and then use the technique in healthy ways.

The Advantages of Juicing Explained by a Concord Boot Camp Trainer

The juicing lifestyle requires you to purchase a juicing machine and start turning fresh vegetables and fruits into homemade juice rich in nutrients that the body needs for proper functioning. Store bought juices almost always have preservatives, sugar, and artificial ingredients that make the juice less healthy. They are also processed more than homemade juice, and that processing can destroy many of the nutrients in the juice.

When you make your own juice, you keep those valuable nutrients in your juice while eliminating those unhealthy additives. The result is a powerful drink that not only quenches thirst, but which increases your energy levels and makes your body undeniably healthier.

When you relate this to weight loss, there are definitely some advantages to juicing on a regul
ar basis. By creating a healthier juice without sugar, you are taking away some of the unhealthy calories that you may otherwise consume from packaged juices. You are also giving yourself a very filling, healthy, low calorie meal replacement or snack which can help you control calories without sacrificing feeling full.

The Invisible Line

While there are clear advantages to juicing for weight loss, you have to know where the line is so you do not cross into unhealthy territory. Here are some guidelines to help you figure out where that line may be:

• You should never replace every meal with juice on a regular basis. While you get lots of healthy nutrients from juice, you still need other nutrients that are found in solid foods. For instance, you cannot get protein from your juice unless it is deliberately added, and your body needs protein on a daily basis.

• You should not depend on juicing for all of your weight loss results. Think of this as an added tool to take advantage of, rather than your method of weight loss. You will still need to exercise and watch what solid foods you eat to maximize your weight loss results.

• Experiment with different combinations of fruits and vegetables. Try some vegetables that you have never tried before, or which you would never try on its own.

• Do not add sugar or other unhealthy additives. You don’t want to ruin a great thing!

The biggest key to weight is always consistency and joining a Concord boot camp. If you decide that juicing is a healthy addition to your weight loss plan, then make juice on a regular basis. You can even use your homemade juice to make smoothies or soups, so you get even more vitamins pumped into your body on a daily basis.

Adaleya Johnson has the #1 Concord boot camp and has been helping Concord clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his Concord boot camp here.

Adaleya Johnson has the #1 Concord boot camp and has been helping Concord clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his Concord boot camp here.