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Chris Chew

Chris Chew is a celebrity fitness personal trainer and author of "Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast" system. More articles at his websites Online Gym Instructor Courses and Gain Or Lose Weight With Self Hypnotism
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 Articles by this Author

Healthy Weight Loss is Easy

There are several methods to lose weight Some advocate starvation diets, some encourage low carbs diets while others stress the importance of aerobic exercises amongst many others

Eat More To Lose Weight

With the approaching festive season, most folks will not want to go on a diet to eat less to lose weight So this article will not be telling you what not to eat, but what to eat more of instead so that you can enjoy your holiday binging

As a fitness personal trainer for over a decade, I have met hundreds of women clients who tell me that they do not want to lift weights for the fear of getting big bulky muscles They just want to be in good shape and to get the body that they desire

As I have written in my earlier articles about increasing weight, the easiest and healthiest way for skinny people to gain weight is to increase muscle mass Gaining muscle instead of fat not only makes you stronger and healthier, you will also look and feel better without the dangers of accumulating too much body fat

We all know that in order to gain muscle mass and weight, we have to do weight resistance exercises by lifting weights So many underweight people head for the gym regularly and lift weights until their faces turned blue, but frustratingly their muscles are not growing

In my years of experience as a fitness personal trainer, one of the most common questions being posed to me by my clients is how to lose weight without having to go on a diet or an exercise program There are many reasons why people ask this question and some of the reasons are that they have no discipline to diet, love to eat, lazy to exercise or have no time to exercise, just to name a few

Have you been watching those great dancing reality shows like Dancing With The Stars and So You Think You Can Dance You have

If you have read my previous articles about gaining weight, I talked a lot about building muscular weight from using proper workouts and consuming nutritional foods, but barely anything about supplements This is because different people have different needs and ideas about consuming supplements

As we all know, the best way to achieve your fitness goals is to work with a good personal trainer Even though you may have some ideas on how to workout correctly and have sound nutritional knowledge, deep inside us, we know that all of us need some motivational push and more fresh ideas

For most overweight people with no underlying medical reasons making them difficult to lose weight, losing your excess body fat is sheer commonsense It is simply a matter of consuming less calorie then you are expanding them

If you are naturally thin who finds it hard to put on weight no matter how much you eat or no matter how much time you spend in the gym lifting weights, then it is about time you explore the concept of "progressive overload" Some of you may have heard this story before, but the concept of progressive overload is best illustrated in the story of Milo of Croton

So you think that you are terribly underweight and is embarrassed to show off your body at the beach or the swimming pool for fear of being laughed at You are already eating all you can and yet putting on even one pound of body weight is utterly elusive

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